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"iconNum" : "8", } else { The East Allegheny School District is a small, suburban, public school district covering the Boroughs of East McKeesport, Wall and Wilmerding and North Versailles Township in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. } } } else { ["Javanese", "Jawa", "jw"], East Allegheny school board took three notable actions at its meeting Monday. { $(".sw-channel-dropdown").slideUp(300, "swing"); }, $("#gb-search-form").submit(function(e){ } ["Japanese", "", "ja"], ["Czech", "etina", "cs"], $("+ " + dropdown + " " + dropdownList + " a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); { "siteID" : "4", ["Sesotho", "Sesotho", "st"], ["Uzbek", "O'zbekiston", "uz"], $(".footer-scroll-btn").on("click keydown", function(e) { prevTab = $(".cs-tab[data-index='" + lastIndex + "']", props.app); // LAST TAB "transitionDelay" : 6, Superintendent of Schools mfriez@northallegheny.org Ahlam Weidman Executive Assistant to the Superintendent/School Board Secretary aweidman@northallegheny.org Phone: 412-369-5419 Biography The North Allegheny School District appointed Dr. Melissa Friez as its next Superintendent effective July 1, 2021. "false" : "true") + '" role="tabpanel">' + $(".upcoming-column.right", this).html() + ''; }); props.event.preventDefault(); NORTH VERSAILLES, Pa. (KDKA) -- Students and parents can expect increased security at schools in the East Allegheny District until Friday after a threat. }*/ $(".sw-calendar-block-date", this).wrapInner(''); "class": "peachjar", } else { } var dropdown = params.dropdown; For the Herald-Standard. descWidth = descWidth - 50; // MOVE DAY TO RIGHT COLUMN ["Albanian", "shqiptar", "sq"], "url": "#", ["Mongolian", "", "mn"], ["Xhosa", "isiXhosa", "xh"], this.ViewFullSite(); e.preventDefault(); ["Armenian", "", "hy"], e.preventDefault(); if($(".hp").length) { { var element; $("nav").removeClass("sticky").removeAttr("style"); $(".hp-content-outer.two").css("background", "transparent url('/cms/lib/PA01915924/Centricity/Template/GlobalAssets/images///Faces/default-man.jpg') no-repeat center center/cover fixed"); "allLoaded": function(){} Preceding the Combined Meeting, there will be a Technology Committee Meeting. // CONSUME TAB KEY // FOR SCOPE North Allegheny School District . 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Our District

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