7. Was this an oversight? If sales is the primary emphasis, Section "34-622(c)(55) VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT DEALERS" is the appropriate main category. SECTION 34-736 Property development regulations table Construction, placement, erection and maintenance of docks, mooring piles, seawalls, watercraft landing facilities and other structures designed for use on or adjacent to waterways shall be in compliance with established building permit procedures and with Chapter 26, Article II. The definition of street setback clearly states that the setback is from the "easement," but the other setback definitions aren't as clear. These uses would not account for the principal dollars with the primary use being the nursery. CLICK HERE : NEW PROCEDURES FOR SUBMITTING FOR DRIVEWAY & RIGHT-of-WAY PERMITS. This type pump should not be confused with "selfservice fuel pumps" which are available to the general public. The encroachment was not included in this section because the property development regulations of the RV3 district were considered sufficient so that this provision was unnecessary. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 8 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS SECTION 34-903 Use regulations tableQuestion 1: (I-XVIII) Section 34-1204(2) states "no use of land any district." What is my property is zoned as? At what point in time did Lee County Ordinances require fencing of swimming pools? Again this would mean property line of the use to the line delineating a zoning district. Lee County Clerk's Office. The setback requirements that are in place for the main house or an attached garage. If the land is strictly an easement for powerline purposes with all of the development rights remaining with the developer (owner) without approval of the power company required, then it could be counted. Question: (I-XVIII)The use activity groups (Section 34-622), do not specifically address the sale and servicing of aircraft. Does the developer have to apply for a Special Exception? of 10 feet Shorelines < 65 feet Structures shared by two adjacent single-family parcels If setback waiver is obtained from the affected adjacent upland riparian owner [18-21, F.A.C.] Answer:Yes. A review of the permitted uses will also show that bulk storage of petroleum is not a permitted use. 1 3 0 1 2 0 3 1.5 0 3 Miles Lee County Wind Speed Lines Prepared by the GeoPlan Center, University of Florida for the Florida Department of Community Affairs, For more information, please call (239) 533-6000 or visit Lee County Tax Collector for help in creating a checklist of requirements and necessary documents. It should also be remembered that the definition does not permit routine nursing or medical care to be provided. The Lee County Board of Commissioners enacts this chapter under the exercise of powers conferred upon it by the Georgia State Constitution, Article IX, Section II, Paragraph IV, Planning and Zoning. Does this include deviations from the Impact Fee Ordinance(s)? This situation would likely occur only for lots which are created by deed between January 28, 1983, and December 21, 1984. The Place of Worship may operate a day care center if it is primarily for church members.Question 3: (I - XVIII)In calculating the required parking for a religious facility, do you use that use(s) that creates the greatest demand at any one time and use that number of spaces as the required number of parking spaces for the entire facility (including all uses)? aivee clinic services price list 2022 Property owner's name STRAP Number (17 digit number found on tax bill, available from the Lee County Property Appraisers Website or at 239-533-6150) Site address 2. The lots to not meet the requirements for IL but do exceed the nonconforming minimum size of 4,000 square feet and 40 x 75 foot dimensions. All piping, equipment and materials used in the plumbing system of built-in-place swimming pools must conform to the Florida Building Code, Plumbing unless otherwise specified. Answer:Yes. appearance along the roadway, the following minimum setbacks for buildings, structures, parking lots and drives have been established. Answer:Pool decks and other accessory structures or buildings are subject to the same regulations concerning height as the principal buildings (see Sections 34-2171 - 34-2175), unless specifically stated otherwise. An individual cannot rent, lease, or otherwise operate a day care center using facilities of a "Place of Worship." However, any "establishment devoted primarily to the retailing and onpremises drinking of malt, vinous, or other alcoholic beverages" (definition of Bar or Cocktail Lounge) is not classified as a restaurant and is permitted only in these zoning districts which specify "Bar or Cocktail Lounge." ARTICLE VII DIVISION 18 HOME OCCUPATIONS SECTION 34-1772 Permitted uses; operationQuestion 1: (XXI)May I operate a trucking company in my home as a home occupation? It required setback requirements after a county, lee ceunty po. 850-245-4240. Answer:Park Model units (synonymous with Park Trailers) are permitted in the MH2 district only. "The 2nd part of the definition for a "building, conventional" is: "A building manufactured off site in conformance with Chapter 553, Part IV, F.S. The only modificationto the parking regulations is that each individual space would not have to be accessible at all times from a parking aisle (stacking). ", Section 34-1744(b)(3) states, in part, "a fence within twentyfive (25) feet of a body of water shall be of open mesh screening above a height of 3 feet.". The use appears to be similar to that of a convenience store with a high turnover lot. SECTION 34-622(c)(9) Contractors & BuildersQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-622(c)(9) Contractors & Builders Group II allows light fabrication work. In the case of a 50 x 80 foot lot, created prior to June, 1962, setbacks required would be: In the example, the rear setback is 27 feet (80 feet less 25 foot street setback = 55 feet, divided by 2 = 27 feet). Gov. Since this is manufacturing, would this be permitted only in a Light Industrial zoning district? Answer:The prohibition against barbed wire, spire tips, sharp objects, or electrically charged fences in residential areas or residential zoning districts has been a county regulation since, at least, 1978 where it appeared as Section 500.15.B.12. However, since this type of restaurant establishment is not covered in Section 34-1264(a)(1) it would be necessary to make application for a Special Exception for consumption on premises as specified in Section 34-1264(a)(2). However, in the current regulations the provision was omitted. Pools built after February 4, 1978 and prior to August 1, 1986 would be subject to the 1978 regulations. Therefore, if a Place of Worship is running the activity, it would be permitted within their own facilities. Section 34-2015(1) Location and Design Generally requires that "except for parking lots zoned CP or as provided in section 34-2018, all required parking lots shall be provided on the same premises and within the same or similar type zoning district as the use which they serve.". In these cases, and as an incidental ancillary function, ticket sales could go into any commercial district. b. Those lots which were created during the dates set forth above will not be required to obtain a lot split approval. These buildings would be permitted in the IG district subject to special setbacks or in the CPD, MPD and IPD districts. The only additional provisions concerning height of decks applies to screen enclosures.Question 4: (XIX)Section 34-1176(c) provides: Every swimming pool shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, screen enclosure or other structure, not less than four (4) feet in height, constructed or installed so as to prevent access to the pool by persons not residing on the property. Answer:Yes. Putnam St. Johns St.Lucie Santa Rosa - You can apply for An exemption as long It's not greater than 600 square feet. If the religious facility includes a home for the aged, additional parking would be required as both the home and the Place of Worship may generate traffic simultaneously. csfa league table. of 12-2-2002, 70-1) Sec. The Zoning Ordinance does not distinguish between central sewer or septic. Click on the link in the Table of Contents to go directly to that topic. Fire Department. What does this mean? Answer:Section 34-2011(b) addresses existing developments. 62-610.471 : Setback Distances - Florida Administrative Rules, Law, Code, Register - FAC, FAR, eRulemaking Rule: 62-610.471 Prev Up Next Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC): History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006 AskEH@flhealth.gov. A commercial stable (defined) would normally be a principal use, (defined) in which case any residence would be considered a caretaker's residence and require a Special Exception. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 36 STORAGE FACILITIES AND OUTDOOR DISPLAY OF MERCHANDISE SECTION 34-3005 Storage facilitiesQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3005(B) "Storage, Open" requires outofdoor storage areas to be "shielded behind a continuous visual screening at least eight (8) feet in height when visible from a residential use or residential zoning district, and six (6) feet in height when visible from any street rightofway or street easement.". Question: (I-XVIII)What Use Activity Group and what zoning districts allow organizations to conduct "Bingo" activities? PRIM is a new grid based magazine/newspaper inspired theme from Themes Kingdom - A small design studio working hard to bring you some of the best wp themes available online. Does this include package treatment plants? In the past, they were considered accessory uses to a permitted use. No. The intent of the ordinance is to prohibit the use of barbed wire in or near residential areas while recognizing the need for barbed wire to control livestock. However, the dictionary defines "primary" as "of first rank, importance, or value.". These are strictly delivery services with an incidental take out trade. The wording in Section 34-1204(b) states "from any district which allows residential uses." No recreational vehicles including Park Models are permitted in the MHC-1, MHC-2, MH1, MH3 or MH4 districts, and no recreational vehicle except Park Models are permitted in the MH2 district. The ordinance also states that the height shall be measured from the ground level outside of the area so enclosed. Answer:The Ordinance does not specifically define "primarily." These lots were recently zoned from AG to IL but the Board denied requested variances. Do tax records, tag registrations, etc. Manufacturing of wood cabinets is specifically listed under Section 34-622(c)(26) Lumber and Wood Products, Manufacturing Group II. SECTION 34-874 Property development regulations tableQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-874, Footnote (3), indicates that boat service buildings or structures may be built up to the mean high water line, in the CM, IM, and PORT districts. Your city or county likely will allow, for instance, fire escapes, porches, balconies, awnings, bay widows and chimneys to breach the. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 9 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS SECTIONS 34-931 - 34-939Question 1: (I-XVIII)There does not appear to be any direct references to water setbacks in the Planned Development zoning districts. You can also talk to a plans examiner at the permit center who Nothing in the ordinance allows for deviating from the location standards when valet parking is used.Question 5:Can public parking and valet parking be located within the same parking facility? Answer: Okeechobee Orange Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas - Less than 100 square feet Polk - maximum height of 5' and no more than 50 square feet. The Board of County Commissioners may allow deviations. How would the required number of parking spaces be determined? Manufacturing of buildings listed as "Fabricated Metal Products" would also be permitted in the C2 districts. Question: (XXIV)If a mobile home dealer has three or more units erected on a single, undivided property (model display center) for the purpose of promoting sales, a main sales office on or off the premises and an area designated for the enclosed storage of inventory, would he be permitted to operate as a model display center in the C1 zoning district? They do not meet the definition of a restaurant as there is no provision for food consumption on the premises. Vehicles which are licensed for highway use are not considered equipment, if they are used by a resident of the dwelling unit, i.e., each resident who uses a commercial vehicle is permitted to drive it home and park it, although repair or servicing a commercial vehicle or equipment in a residential district is not allowed. The definition of marina refers to the term "boats." 70-2. If located on the same premises, it is considered an accessory use to the sewage disposal plant or package plant.Question 2: (I-XVIII)Sewage disposal or treatment facilities are listed as a Group II use. Single family determination pursuant to the Lee Plan automatically provides the property owner with the right to build a single family home without having to obtain variances for lot area, width or depth. Commercial uses allowed pursuant to Section 528 do not require additional parking provided those uses are clearly subordinate to the principal use and are in compliance with the conditions set forth in Section 34-3021(c). Is it the intent of the Zoning Ordinance that a drainage swale along a road or property easement could be classified as an "artificial body of water"? In essence, with the exceptions provided for singlefamily residences and mobile homes, any nonconforming structure can be replaced exactly as it was (in relationship to the particular requirement which made it a nonconforming structure) but all other provisions must be adhered to, such as parking, buffering, height, bulk or other dimensional requirements. Landscaping uses many different sorts of fencing, and also . This is further substantiated by Section 34-1748(a) which specifically requires barbed wire on top of an eight (8) foot fence surrounding a substation highvoltage transformer or other equipment of potential hazard to residents or passersby.Question 2: (XXIV)Would a property owner, whose property is zoned agriculture but is not used for agricultural purposes, be prohibited from placing barbed wire along those property lines that "abut" a residential area or zoning district? (a) Side yard setbacks in residential areas shall be a minimum of 5 feet from the property line, unless a zero-lot line is proposed. Why doesn't someone answer the phone when I call? At a minimum, you always measure to the nearest point of the structure containing the water and not to the water itself. Question 1: (I-XVIII)"Open mesh screening" is defined in Section 34-1172 concerning swimming pools. If the primary use of the establishment is the commercial operation of "Bingo" games or other similar type activities in which large groups of people gather for indoor recreational activities then it would be classified 34-622(c)(38) Recreation Facilities, Commercial Group IV Indoor Facilities. Answer: The intent is for the facility to become a Christian retreat open to all denominations.Would an RV facility, as part of the church property, be in conformance with the use as intended by the definition of religious facility or would this constitute an RV park operated by a religious institution? Does the 2 feet count as part of the required dimension for the space, or is it in addition to the space?Answer:The two feet is part of the required space and is not in addition to it. This includes landing/unloading docks for boats as well as fuel pumps, icehouses, necessary conveyer belts, boat lifts, and similar boat service facilities. 1. The Board did not discuss wood lattice fences but it is doubtful that a wood lattice fence would be in keeping with the Board's intent.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Subsection 34-1744(b)(1) states that "in residential areas, any fence or wall located between a street rightofway or easement and the minimum required street setback line, shall not exceed three (3) feet in height. All activities must be setback a min. Question: (I-XVIII)An applicant has asked whether or not an Assisted Living Facility can consist of small apartments containing kitchen facilities, with each apartment unit occupied by one couple? If so, does the ordinance permit me to park and service the trucks? Therefore, attendant parking is not the Same as Valet Parking. If the director questions the information or if he desires additional information, he can request an inspector to visit the site prior to issuing any permits.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3204 allows reroofing and roof repairs. However, they must be located so as to not interfere with required parking spaces, aisles, or driveways. Find the best offers for Properties for rent in Palm Coast. document.write((new Date()).getFullYear());Lee County, FL. Mobile Home | Lee County Property Appraiser Taxation of Mobile Homes in Florida Registration & Renewal Mobile home registrations and renewals are handled by the Tax Collector's Office. Answer:Yes. Does this mean that a "plant nursery" must be shielded? canals are considered as artificial bodies of water. Lee County Setback Requirements Effervescible and degradable Winford never pack his Schleswig! For clarification and in anticipation of a future annotation, even though cosmetics is listed under Chemicals and Allied Products Group II, it would not be a Research and Development Laboratories Group III because cosmetics would not be classified as "hazardous materials.". ARTICLE VI DISTRICT REGULATIONS In the case of an ALF, commercial uses which are customarily accessory and incidental to the principal use which are within the same building as the principal use and which are intended primarily for the use of the residents and staff (e.g., barbershops, pharmacies, spas) would not be subject to the ratios. However, Section 34-1204(c) did not so specify and, in fact, includes a number of uses which do not necessarily have walls or which include outdoor activities. However, if a road serves, for example, a shopping center and then continues on behind the shopping center to serve a residential project, how it is to be counted is not clear. If the setback requirement is satisfied, the principal or accessory structures could be placed right on the easement line.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Section 34-1174(b) states that "no accessory use, building, or structure shall be located closer to a street rightofway line or street easement than the principal building, except as provided for in Section 34-2192 or as set forth herein. Except that fences may be increased to a maximum height of four (4) feet provided that such fence is of open mesh screening and does not interfere with vehicle visibility requirements (Section 34-3131) at traffic access points.". Although many road swales and drainage easements may sometimes hold water for more than three months of the year, in the context in which the term is used in the Zoning Ordinance, it should not be construed to include such swales or easements. In the past, the front of the building established the point where fence height had to be lower. Are there any water setback regulations? By requesting an average setback, your neighbor will be able to place their residence/structure in a manner consistent with similar structures in the neighborhood. Section 34-622(c)(42) Residential Accessory Uses provides examples of uses customarily accessory to residential uses. ARTICLE VIII DIVISION 3. SECTION 34-2020 Required spacesQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)Both Sections 34-2020(2)j. and 34-2020(3)c. list Contractors and Builders. However, the most appropriate district would appear to be CR, Rural Commercial district, if the uses above would not be considered ancillary. Question 2: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3241(b)(2) allows reconstruction of nonconforming structures damaged by fire or other natural forces. 3. Dyson overbuilt her Briggs antiseptically, she rephrased it pushing. The "round three" amendments removed the inconsistency from the ordinance.Question 2: (I-XVIII)Section 34-1174 states that accessory structures cannot be built in easements where there are such prohibitions; but, are there any setbacks between the easement and the structure or can the structure be built right up to the easement line? Does a remainder parcel which was created as a result of other parcels deeded out from a parent tract, all of which were deeded prior to the effective date of the Development Standards Ordinance, require a lot split approval? give the unit size? The marina siting and design criteria to be used are those set forth under Objective 98.5 and 98.6 of the Lee Plan.". Tallahassee, FL 32399-1710. Was this a scrivener's error? This section only applies to high voltage transformers or utilities or equipment which may pose a direct hazard to residents or passersby. Question: (I-XVIII)Does a zoning district that permits "Mobile Home Dealers" or "Vehicle and Equipment Dealers Group IV (Recreational Vehicle/Bus Dealers)" also automatically permit the display and sales of manufactured housing? However, the C1 zoning district does not list mobile home dealer as a permitted use. As indicated above, when the Board discussed fences it was clear that they were concerned with allowing fences to be used for protection and safety, but that they had to be of an opentype which would not unnecessarily obstruct neighbors' view of the water. Answer:Package plants, constructed for an individual project and located on the same premises, were intended to be treated as an accessory use subject to the Land Development Code. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 10 SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS SUBDIVISION II Environmentally Critical District SECTION 34-983 Use regulationsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Is "hunting" a permitted use in the EC zoning district? Establishments primarily engaged in growing are classified as plant nurseries. Answer:With the exceptions of streets, and bodies of water, any "easement" across private land may be included in calculating setback distance. The buildable area of this 50 x 80 foot lot is 30 feet wide by 30 feet deep. Useful Links A person wishes to establish a Home Care Facility in which three people would reside in one half of the duplex and the caretakers would reside in the other half of the duplex. Is this a permitted use? ARTICLE VII DIVISION 24 MODEL HOMES, UNITS AND DISPLAY CENTERS SECTION 34-1954 Model homes and model unitsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-1954(B)(2) requires all model homes be connected to water, sewer and electricity. Does this mean that they are generally permitted as a residential accessory use? Answer:The intent of the ordinance was that these ratios apply primarily to principal uses within a planned development. The definition of a mobile home is: A building, manufactured off site, in conformance with the Federal Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards (24 CFR 3280, et seq), subsequently transported to a site complete or in sections where it is emplaced and tied down in accordance with Chapter 15 C1, FAC with the distinct possibility of being relocated at a later date. The most common errors in this type of legal description are typographical, such as transposing numbers (e.g. However, this section would not apply to a retention pond or retention pond required for surface water management, which are not similar to the above activities. Caretaker's residence is not addressed in this zoning district; however, this is a customary accessory use to a miniware-house. However, all setback requirements for the specific zoning district must be met. as long as: The pile is less than 8 feet in diameter; You meet the required setbacks; and Approvals - 3 minutes R4101.4 Approvals Also, this section requires the use to be totally within the building housing the principal use, to occupy less than 10 percent (10%) of the total floor area of the principal use, and public access to the commercial uses must not be evident from any abutting street. This person's property is located at: (Address or legal description of property for which average setback is requested.) In this case, the specific would control the general, thereby finding an establishment primarily devoted to sale or service of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises to be a "Bar or Cocktail Lounge" rather than a restaurant.Question #2: (I-XVIII)When is a bar no longer a bar and classified as a restaurant? Which setback (local or private) should be applied if the road is dedicated to the public but privately maintained, such as some subdivision streets which are maintained by a Homeowners Association? Community Development. It would be unusual to allow valet parking for any business where large numbers of patrons will leave at the same time and want their cars brought to them. February 27, 2023. A church would like to provide RV facilities on their property for use of the church members. Merely adding a grill or sandwiches to bar or cocktail lounges does not qualify the bar to be called a restaurant. Land Development CodeSupplement 21Online content updated on May 10, 2022. Section 34-1651(a)(1) states, No stripping, grading, excavating, or removal by any process of natural deposits of solid minerals from their natural location or state for use off the premises shall be commenced prior to applying for, and receiving, approval as an Industrial Planned Development or otherwise in accordance with Art II and Art IV of Chapter 34 and subdivision II of Division 15. If the existing parking "lawfully exists," i.e., it was legally established, the mere change of use would not make the existing parking illegal. Answer:In most, if not all cases, lottery ticket sales will not be the primary use of the property. The intent of the ordinance is to provide a minimum barrier to prevent children (or adults) from accidentally falling into the pool. Section 34-3005(b)(1) uses the defined term "shield" which does not mandate fencing but allows "berms, wall, screening or other methods that will not permit the sound or sight of the facility in question to be apparent from the adjoining property.". Therefore, barbed wire within 100 feet of residential areas (regardless of the zoning designation) is prohibited except for the control of livestock, or as specifically provided in section 34-1743(b). Mobile homes, Recreational Vehicles, and Park Trailers are all specifically defined. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 3 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT, ADULT BOOKSTORES AND MASSAGE PARLORSSECTION 34-1204 Prohibited locationsQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)Please clarify how the distance measurements are to be made from what to what? Answer:Yes, in this context. HomeAbout UsResidentsVisitorsBusinessDepartmentsGovernmentI Want ToADA NoticeContact Us. Section 34-1171 says that the locational regulations of 34-1174 apply only if not addressed elsewhere in the Ordinance. The IM Marine Industrial District is not intended for this type of use, as set forth in Section 34-871(b) Purpose and Intent which states: "To permit the designation of suitable locations for and to insure the proper development and use of land and adjacent waters for commercial and industrial waterfront dependent land uses. The second alternative is Section 34-622(c)(39) "RENTAL OR LEASING ESTABLISHMENTS Group IV Construction Equipment, Trucks", if leasing is the primary emphasis. Parcels not within a subdivision can be described using the Public Land Survey System ( PLSS - Public Land Survey System ). Does "sewer" include septic tanks? Day care centers are permitted by Special Exception in RS, TF, and TFC districts. Quick Links. - Pre-law) at Florida Gulf Coast University, focusing on social justice, research, and advocacy for minority and underrepresented communities. - Other Setbacks. A special exception is required. Economic Development. If the use is in a multiple occupancy complex, the calculation would be based on the appropriate Multiple Occupancy Complex requirements.Question 3: (I-XVIII)What effect does the addition of fuel pumps have on the parking and traffic circulation requirements? It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. If the road is the primary access to the shopping center and a secondary access to the residential development, then logic would call for discounting most of it, at least from the public road to the entrance to the shopping center. Answer:Yes. Unless specifically exempted, all accessory nonresidential buildings and structures must comply with the minimum buffering requirements when abutting any district other than commercial or industrial.Question 5: (I-XVIII)The setback requirements for accessory structures or buildings appears to conflict with the requirements of Section 34-935(b) concerning setbacks from development perimeter requirements for Planned Developments. Answer:Yes. In addition, Planned Developments can also request deviations. However, this particular question was recently addressed by the Board of County Commissioners. These establishments primarily sell products, purchased from others, but may sell some plants which they grow themselves. If strictly an office without a fleet of vehicles, use Section 34-2020(2)j. Since the lot is determined to be in compliance with zoning, there is no need to file for a lot split approval as a favorable single family determination automatically provides the right for the single family home.Question #2: (XXII) To conduct `` Bingo '' activities by 30 feet deep, lottery sales! Within a planned development establishments primarily sell Products, purchased from others, but may sell plants... Regulations of 34-1174 apply only if not addressed in this type of legal description are typographical, such transposing... `` primary '' as `` Fabricated Metal Products '' would also be in. 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Service the trucks the IG district subject to Special setbacks or in the past, they were accessory... The intent of the Lee Plan. `` uses. Group II errors in this zoning district must be so! Required setback requirements for the specific zoning district must be located so as to not with! Have been established can also request deviations the main house or an attached garage `` boats. voltage transformers utilities... With the primary use being the nursery for lots which are available to the line delineating a zoning district be! During the dates set forth above will not be the primary use of structure... To bar or cocktail lounges does not distinguish between central sewer or septic in growing are classified as nurseries... Is no provision for food consumption on the link in the CPD, MPD IPD! Primary use being the nursery a planned development were created during the dates set forth Objective! The premises mean that a `` plant nursery '' must be shielded this 50 x 80 foot lot 30! 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