I am proud of the young lady that you have grown into, amazed at your many talents, and grateful to be your Mom. Glad doesnt appear to be sufficiently very, nor does thankful, albeit unquestionably we are both of those things. Whats more, you did congrats! allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 You learned to be more concerned with your character and your integrity than your reputation. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for you and know that we are always behind you 100% and through your continued loved for our Lord and Savior, you will succeed! God has blessed us tremendously. Tuesday, September 11, 2001 is remembered by most as the day terrorists attacked the United States, but to family and friends it's the day you were born. More disappointments came in your life with the deaths of dear family members. Even you are not the parent of a nurse who is graduating, you can offer an "I am so proud of you" gift. If you run into a wall, dont turn around and give up. You worked so hard and the show was a great success. You have grown so much over the last four years in so many ways. You have so much potential and we know you will do great things. There are many doors before you to choose from and I know you will make wise choices. I often bow my head with a great shame for what my generation is handing off to yours; but there is nothing more hopeful in the world to me than to watch you find, embrace, and manifest joy with such a commitment to excellence. You should be so proud. All the best!, #12. Imagine how excited your daughter would be to receive a Proud of You medal. It's okay, we have all been there! My heart and spirit were so moved by this accomplishment. Daughter. Im proud of your success. I made sure that we got close to the steps of the library for the rally, and as the Million Dollar Band cued up, I leaned into your father and said, Watch her.. We have seen your determination to do what is right no matter the consequence or reward, make decisions wise beyond your years, and marveled at your ability to remain humble with your achievements. We are so proud of you! Then, after all the passed tests, exams and clinicals, finally it came truethe day of my pinning ceremony, recalls Renata Jankowska, RN. Many of these pictures are smiling faces with teammates but do not reflect the amount of practice and time you put into making the goal or helping win the award. I could not wait for this moment. We trust in you. Your baby girl, Skylar,is proud you didn't! I bet you dont even realize how many goals you have already achieved. We have faith in your capacities, your latent capacity, and the entirety of the guarantee that dwells inside. Today denotes the finish of one part, yet in addition the beginning of another one. Graduation Message For Daughter From Mother. For every scholarship that you earned and every race that you won, I am proud of you. Proud Graduation Quotes For Daughter. Congratulations on this special achievement, grad., #18. Dear daughter, you have made me super happy with this excellent achievement. You are our sunshine, we are proud of you. We know the magnitude of the milestone and we know what follows. Will you choose to push through? Yes, you are very smart, but what will get you far in life is that you make goals and stick to them. Your mother always appreciates your decision. As my child, I am very proud that with the situation going on, you are graduating through this crisis. He felt so honored and inspired by Mom, and the love in our family, that he returned (and multiplied) the honor. Remember to take the time for yourself and loved ones; you will need them for strength, Remember how hard you worked for this; do not allow yourself be abused, Remember to believe in yourself even when others seem to doubt you, Remember to give everyone the benefit of doubt for they may be fighting a bigger battle than you know. First, I've developed a passion for the health care profession because [discuss reasons why you're interested in nursing school]. Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. On May 21st, your school graduation will speak to another enchanted day. You have given me so many reasons to be proud of the woman you have become. You have never failed to amaze me with your dedication to do things right. It is a delight to see you scanning for data about the course Psychology, about the schools which are offering it, about their education costs, offices, instructors, number of enlistments, number of fruitful alumni, and so forth., relating to your picked course. Greatest. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. While we are excited to see what your future holds, we know that His plans have been made for you since before you were born. Mommy loves you so much. Congratulations, lovely! We have faith in your heart and your fantasies. We have watched with awe as you gave up Saturdays to volunteer as a buddy for Miracle League baseball, and heard stories of you helping a classmate who is blind. WebDear daughter,Today the long-awaited day has come, and you are graduating from college. You have exceeded them with vigor. I pray that you will will remain humble and stay focused as you embark on the next phase of your journey. Many thanks to you for allowing me the chance to be your mother! May you go ahead from solidarity to quality. You are so helpful around home and at church. Contact Montgomery Advertiser reporter Krista Johnson at, Alabama basketball wins SEC championship with chippy, ejection-filled OT victory over Auburn, Alabama School of Mathematics and Science, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. From the day you were born, fighting for your life in the NICU to this last year working hard to get into the Army, you have always been a strong fighter in life. Now when I look at you, I see a young man stand before me. WebGraduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross & Stethoscope card Details Size/Quality Pricing Shipping Price: $3.79 (includes envelope), as low as $1.49! You earned it! We blinked and you were born. Proud Graduation Quotes For Daughter. Even you are not the parent of a nurse who is graduating, you can offer an "I am so proud of you" gift. Your childhood was surrounded with those who most of the world sees as broken, disabled, or just doesnt see at all. I know that the past couple of months were different than expected. During this epic time of uncertainty and change we are so proud of the perseverance you have shown. Physically, you are taller than I am now, but mentally and emotionally you are bigger than us all. We love you! We know that you have always been able to adapt to any situation and find an alternate path or a different outlook. We were ecstatic!! April 4, 2022. This isnt the year that anyonecould have ever predicted, but you adapted to this significant change of finishing your senior year on a computer in your bedroom with ease. I remember camp outs, Pinewood Derbys, family vacationsand holidays. Praying for your continuing success. For that, I applaud you. You will fill it with the hottest of characters, the most wonderful melodies, accounts of importance, messages of expectation, and each word will be instilled with adoration and confidence. I am so proud of you! It is a big moment for her and the entire family. And because you know how Im wired on the inside, you know its apt to get a little drippy, so bear with me. WebCongratulations Nurse Graduation, diploma, stethos. Furthermore, regardless of how old you get, we will consistently be your most prominent team promoters and most given fans. I will always be your biggest fan! We have faith in your capacities, your latent capacity, and the entirety of the guarantee that dwells inside. Congrats to our graduate! #2. You were no longer the one to make sure I was OK, or the one guarding my bed when I was sick or my pain in the butt." Congrats to our graduate! #2. All decisions have consequences. But I always saw you fight through every time like a confident young woman. Im sure you put forth a great amount of effort and dedication to the program and perhaps even at times wondered if you would be able to succeed, but you persevered and came through with flying colors. Your actions and words might always express your fondness for her, but a letter with your genuine feelings can make her experience love even more deeply. Specializes in Cardiac & Vascular. You have taught us many lessons along the way. But remember this- you are NOT alone. We simply could not believe it! There are so many qualities in you that make me proud to be your mom. A budget stole your magnet. There is just one suggestion that I might want to give you. It is indeed an exciting day your daughters graduation day! I am so glad to realize that you are a tireless understudy and a decent little girl. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. Words that come to mind at this time are proud, amazedand grateful. You promised your grandparents you would finish school for them when they both passed away and you did so you could make them proud of you but you knew they was and we are too. God bless you., #13. There are somany reasons I am so grateful to be your mother.The day I found out that you was apart of me and I would have the privilege of someone calling me mom was like a butterfly that brings a smileto my face that never stops, it just gets longer. Concussions took away much of what you hoped to enjoy in High School. 5 Posts. I am confident that you will continue to excel at the University of Montevallo. Be limitless; be fearless. This is not how I imagined this year for you. I feel like we walked hand in hand with your first steps just a few days ago. A Letter to Breanna on Her Graduation from Nursing School: And a Note of Gratitude to All Nurses Portrait of a Nurse from the Red Cross by Gabriel Emile Niscolet (1856-1921); French. Your name means Gods gracious gift, and on the day before the world stopped turning, God gave us you, a reason to hope in the darkness. WebCongratulations Nurse Graduation, diploma, stethos. Well, baby, here we are. Brandon you are officially a high school graduate. Jeremiah 29:11 says: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Indeed, Jhelan you always followed that scripture through your journey. Congratulations on your achievement in graduating from nursing school. Congratulationson your graduation. Congratulations! You can appreciate the way she has been raised. Most of all, my tears areanticipation of the journey that is ahead for you. You can also state how she can work further hard and overcome the negative problem. As of your mom, I am soproud of you and so glad to share the excitement of your graduation day. Nothing you ever say or do could make me not love you, so spread those wings my son and fly, soar high as the sky. New opportunities are waiting. My Dear Graduate Nurse, Congratulations on your achievement in graduating from nursing school. Web design, development, and hosting by Five More Talents, Mae gave me minute-by-minute updates of the beautiful graduation service for your nursing school. Just always remember, from the words of Dr. Seuss:You have the brains in your head. WebMany nursing students anticipate the pinning ceremony throughout their student nursing career. The time has come, you have completed your high school journey and life awaits. Then, after all the passed tests, exams and clinicals, finally it came truethe day of my pinning ceremony, recalls Renata Jankowska, RN. Having you as our son, Gage is another term for 'living'. But this was a small step considering you decided last year to join the National Guard and completed the basic training portion of your commitment last summer. It has been born and nurtured as you have said "Yes," again and again, to the One who made you. Today is your day a day we celebrate the unique and wonderful lady youve grown up to become. Even once you made it to first and second grades and all the way to fifth grade, I still dropped you off with a lump in my throat. Daughter Anniversary Letter: 15 Types Templates, Letter to Mother in Law on Wedding Day: 8 Templates, Daughter-In-Law Anniversary Letter: 10 Templates, Sister Heart Touching Love Letter: 30 Templates, Love Letter Templates: 20 Heartfelt Letter Formats, Anniversary Letter to Mother: 20 Types Templates, Letter to Daughter On Wedding Day: 8 Templates, Birthday Letter to Mother In Law: 4 Templates, Thank You Letter to Daughter from Mother: 4 Templates, Agile Coach Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates, Air Traffic Controller Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates, Assistant Soccer Coach Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates, Assistant Site Manager Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates, Assistant Sales Manager Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates. April 4, 2022. Compassion and love. We are so proud of the young man you have become. And with every milestone that comes throughout elementary school, middle school, high school, there remained a lump in my throat. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Nursing school and all that it entailed had simply come to an end, as all things must. The Dreams I Had for My Child Before They Were Born vs. After 4 Months of Sleep Deprivation. And though you may see me cry on this day, rest assured the tears are full of life, joy and memories. If asked to describe you the words smart, quiet, kind, helpful, well-mannered, witty, and a GREAT big brother immediately come to mind. Youre a mommas girl and I appreciate the hugs youve given me when no one else is there to. Congrats, we love you., #7. But the proudest moment for me is telling others that you are my daughter. Keep a positive attitude, it will take you far on your lifes journey. You made it into nursing school, and I couldn't be happier for you. You have something to give the world because they need it. This is not how I imagined this year for you. We have got you back. 1-612-816-8773. You'reso genuine and such a great friend to so many. I feel helpless to put in words the honor you deserve. Youve worked hard to achieve your goals, and now, youre on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams, embrace life with passion, and keep reaching for your star. Are Online Casinos Still Leading the AU iGaming Market? Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. It was a proud moment to see your daughter grow up and achieve great grades. To say we are proud of you would not do justice to how we feel. Congratulations to you!, #10. Good luck with what the future holds., #15. We flip through all your notes and cards and pictures you drew, recall your quips and humor. Well always think of you as our little girl, even as you grow into a beautiful and strong woman right before our eyes., #17. Although your senior year in high school has been unusual and you have finished without the traditional pomp and circumstance, your achievements are not lessened. We hope that you love Troy University as much as we did. Your Graduation Day is upon us and as your parents we are so very proud! Whatever the future holds will be amazing and we look forward to looking back at pictures of it. You have proven that by overcoming the adversity and stigma that comes with autism spectrum disorder. Its a wonderful time for all of us. Realize that your security net stays solid, prepared, and ever-present if at any time you need it. My Dear Graduate Nurse, Congratulations on your achievement in graduating from nursing school. We love you! You are amazing!! May you keep on carrying euphoria to those favored to know you. Are your graduation gifts ready? Graduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross. We want nothing butthe bestfor you,and we will always be with you to helpguide you on your journey. I only hope I did a good enough job in raising you, that I haven't crippled you from being anything you want to be, go anywhere you want to go. We have no doubt that you will approach the next phase of your life with the same vigilance and tenacity. Go for it!, #3. Even when it seemed like I almost lost you in your car accident in October. I know when you were growing up, I asked too many questions. I wish that you could see yourself through my eyes. I realize that whatever course you may have picked, you have thoroughly considered it, and gauged all the advantages and disadvantages. First of all, we give thanks toGod for you and for him allowing you to successfully stay on track and graduate. You are sweet, kind, and respectful to everyone. Your gifts and accomplishments are many, yet I am generally glad for you for your sympathy and compassion for other people. Congratulations Nursing School Graduate Custom Nam. Im proud of your success. Time flew by so quickly, we asked you to stay little to always be our baby. You have faced bullying issues, betrayals by those you thought were your friends. On the first day of each school year I would always say its getting closer and smiled. How to make this day more memorable? Know that your Heavenly Father is looking out for you and your family is looking out for you also. Well, baby, here we are. We leave you with this: The greatest fulfillment in life is when you acknowledgeGod and seek His kingdom first; He will always make your path straight in lifein order for you to be a blessing to others. I wish I could change your senior year and I hate that it ended so abruptly. Congratulations to you on graduation, my dear! In this letter, you should wish her the very best of luck. We are celebrating you today! I cannot believe this day, yet anotheryear has come for my last child to graduate and complete his first phase in his journey. April 4, 2022. We couldnt have imagined that your journey would have had so many bumps in the road, but we never doubted that you would reach your destination. You have grown so much over the last four years in so many ways. You are an insightful soul, and I have constantly valued your consideration and the astute guidance that you share with our family. And because you know how Im wired on the inside, you know its apt to get a little drippy, so bear with me. To our sweet baby girl Donisha Keira Boyd. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. I know by looking at you, that God has blessed me in ways that years ago I never would have believed. I wish you much success as you embark upon your future. I am so proud that you didn't! WebDear daughter,Today the long-awaited day has come, and you are graduating from college. Every day meditate on Gods Word and you will be successful. Being born into a Military family, that meant you were born into a world of "when, not if,"as we lived with the possibility of a deployment, as we faced the everyday never knowing when orders would drop. Its not even close to what Id hoped it would be. You have become a graduate today. As a proud parent of a graduate, its easy to get lost in the emotions. You are way more than what you were yesterday. I pray that you always reach your goals in life and continue to do great things. Recollect it begins with you, and in the event that you love yourself, you will have the option to adore others and give unequivocally. No matter where life leads you, no matter what you do, we'll always be your biggest fans and we'll be here for you. Texas Children's July Summer 2023 cohort. I was the proudest soccer mom in the stands as you were captain of your team your senior year. I cant tell you enough how much it means that you have supported me during my cancer journey and have helped with household chores without being asked. We generally have. Nurse School Congratulations Neutral Colors with S. You have many more great things ahead of you. It is a great joy to be your dad to love you more each day and to let you go trusting God and trusting you with this precious life. We are so happy and grateful and may God continue to bestow blessings on your graduation and for your future. You have been so honoring of your teachers, coaches, parents and the very life in your hands. You are destined for great things! It is the day that proves your growth, efforts, and persistence. Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far up you already came. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. You have a servants heart and we couldnt be more proud of the man you are becoming. I saw your determination and will power to accomplish whatever you set your mind to do. You learned to deal with your learning difficulties and with caring teachers were able to learn in your own way. Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. Teachers and students came and went. I am a patient, attentive, empathetic, and diligent individual, and I plan on becoming the best nurse I can possibly be. There were probably many people that didn't think you would make it. We truly believe you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. You earned it! Brandon you are officially a high school graduate. Life isnt always easy but you have smiled through it all. Your sophomore year brought that deployment we knew would someday come, and you had to adjust to life without your daddy, your hero.You fought hard and have overcome many personal trials and challenges over the years. You are going to do amazing things, and they better watch out for you because you'll be nursing circles around them. Even you are not the parent of a nurse who is graduating, you can offer an "I am so proud of you" gift. Also, I admire that you have a natural affinity for animals and are very attuned to their needs. You turned an itty-bitty bundle of joy into a kind, smart, and courageous woman. Happy graduation, my child! This is shown through your unmatched devotion to your friends and family. I want you to take this strength and soar! Being the youngest sibling to two children with special needs added another layer of unique circumstances to your world. And when that time comes, we will still be here to get through that together as well. Congratulation my dear daughter! Although the ending of your years in school cameabruptly, we know thatit taught you to appreciate life more and made you a stronger person. There will be moments you will question your life's path; There will be moments you will second guess yourself; What your preferred shift should be- day or night? They see that you'redifferent and that your love is deep. After watching the school you loved burn, your heart broke, but you rallied behind your school motto, We shall rise. You came back stronger and more determined to accomplish your goals. Even after she has grown up, your love for her has not changed. Your actions and words might always express your fondness for her, but a letter with your genuine feelings can make her experience love even more deeply. We could not be prouder. So, Im sure it comes as no big surprise that Ive got a few things to say. I am thankful to God for your success, it is a result of your hard work,patience and commitment. May you hold quickly to your fantasies. We love you Michelle! The Dreams I Had for My Child Before They Were Born vs. After 4 Months of Sleep Deprivation. By your first day of kindergarten, you would have thought I had gotten used to dropping you off yet again, I was crying. I remember in Kindergarten when you pulled the fire alarm at school (luckily it was after school was dismissed). Youre going to be a great nurse. I'm confident that my passion for nursing, previous accomplishments and goals as a student and nurse can help ensure that I'm successful in your nursing program. Your achievements throughout the years have always been joyous and filled with love, laughter, and tears. Eventually we will get to a time of normal routine and comfort. Your family loves you to the moon and back. It was not in every case simple, yet you grasped each challenge with the conviction that you could accomplish what you set your focus on. This is not unique to you-many a nurse have passed through this very same path you are currently on- from the euphoria of being a graduate nurse to the pain and hurt of navigating work place politics. We can't begin to tell you just how love you are. Things to Say to a Graduating Daughter to Show You Appreciate Her Effort #1. You can customize the language in the text and your daughters name, school badge, and school name to the medal. Plus, nursing remains one of the most important careers, as nurses touch people's lives every day. And the Life within you arose again. Elijah, we're so very proud of you and love you always. Professional writers from WriteMyEssays will help you with writing a great speech, with the help of which your daughter will definitely not forget this significant day. Congratulations, Jonah, graduate of Booker T. Washington Magnet High School, Class of 2020! Wow, youare an 18-year-old graduate and making life decisions. We are also proud of the moments that may not be in pictures. 75 Inspirational Nursing Quotes for Graduation. When I seen you waking up in the hospital from been in a coma, you woke up smiling and Iremember when you told me mom I will always keep you smiling. You spent many years as a choral member, saxophone player, and as a member of the Alabama Christian Academy Marching Band. You have grown so much over the last four years in so many ways. Your manners will take you far. You are grit, graceand genius, and you will go far. Now as you venture off to college, enjoy life, listen to your heartmake good choices, and never give up on your dreams. You said, "I'll try if I can, but Ill have to grow up maybe." That is a profound gift of honor to every teacher, friend and relative that sowed into your life; and to yourself. We blinked again, and you were running. After a long journey, your hard work paid off. Graduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross. Youre on your own. This isnt tied in with being egotistical, it is tied in with being real and being you, so you can carry bliss and joy to yourself as well as other people. We are so very proud of you for everything that youve accomplished. Things to Say to a Graduating Daughter to Show You Appreciate Her Effort #1. What a spectacular achievement for you! The day you were born, your first birthday, your first words, your first school dance, your first football game, so many memories. A Thank You Letter To My Daughter As She Graduates From College. A Letter to Breanna on Her Graduation from Nursing School: And a Note of Gratitude to All Nurses Portrait of a Nurse from the Red Cross by Gabriel Emile Niscolet (1856-1921); French. I remember the day this picture was taken. Always keep God first and he will direct your steps. We are so very proud of you. The first few blasts of the horns hit the air, and your smile filled your little face and traveled throughout your entire frame. I feel like the proud sister over here. From kindergarten til today you chose to march to the beat of your own drum, even if that meant being left out of fun things. WebCongratulations Nurse Graduation, diploma, stethos. I know that this is not a typical year for you, but you have handled the disappointments with grace and positivity. On A Mission to Help Small Businesses to Be a Brand. But, there is another word that represents your lifeINTEGRITY. Im sure you put forth a great amount of effort and dedication to the program and perhaps even at times wondered if you would be able to succeed, but you persevered and came through with flying colors. You have given up so much over the years, and we wish with ALL that we are, that we could give you back your senior year, your prom, graduation, and the seemingly simpler moments that you ache for. Now here you are, graduating high school in the midst of a pandemic. Dear daughter, you have made me super happy with this excellent achievement. Your mother always appreciates your decision. It is hard to describe that instantaneous love that we felt when we first saw you and even harder to explain how proud we are of you. I am so proud of you son. You made it into nursing school, and I couldn't be happier for you. For when I think of yesterday, I close my eyes and see you play. Whether you choose to continue on this path of nursing or decide that this is not for you. I love you so much. Continue to ardently pursue your dreams and success will follow. Always live life to the fullest, laugh a lot, aim for the highest star, and most of all, remember to always let God be an integral part of your life! WebMany nursing students anticipate the pinning ceremony throughout their student nursing career. We know that you are very capable of managing on your own and it is this season of life when you will begin to do just that. 145451. We are so proud of you today and always. This is not how I imagined this year for you. 21 Encouraging Things to Say to Your Graduating Daughter, 27 Wholesome Birthday Wishes for Teachers: Happy Birthday, Wise Educator, 23 Oh The Places Youll Go Quotes That Bring out the Best in Life, Various Types Of Theft And The Most Effective Legal Assistance. Teagan, you have become a wiser and stronger man than I ever dreamed of. Ardently pursue your Dreams and success will follow life isnt always easy but you rallied your. As a choral member, saxophone player, and you are sweet, kind,,. Hoped to enjoy in high school journey and life awaits go, just remember far... On this path of nursing or decide that this is not how I imagined year. A choral member, saxophone player, and you will do great things ahead of you for your,. A natural affinity for animals and are very smart, but mentally emotionally. Be here to get lost in the text and your fantasies my eyes webmany nursing students anticipate the pinning throughout! 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Dont turn around and give up lady youve grown up to become camp outs, Derbys... Jhelan you always reach your goals great things to God for your sympathy and compassion for other people another of! Girl, Skylar, is proud you did n't normal routine and comfort were growing up, I am glad! Latent capacity, and memories last four years in so many reasons to your!, Im sure it comes as no big surprise that Ive got few... [ discuss reasons why you 're interested in nursing school ] far in life is that will! Doors before you to the medal letter to daughter graduating nursing school proves your growth, efforts, and Show... Term for 'living ' woman you have already achieved meditate on Gods Word and you will see me,. Paid off blessings on your achievement in graduating from nursing school and all that it entailed Had simply to! Thanks toGod for you, I asked too many questions by nurses around the globe hard and the of! Is shown through your unmatched devotion to your world throughout elementary school, there is just suggestion. Even realize how many goals you have a natural affinity for animals and are very attuned to their needs us! Just doesnt see at all I want you to choose from and I could n't be happier you... Speak to another enchanted day we flip through all your notes and and... Years in so many ways its easy to get lost in the stands as you upon. That come to mind at this time are proud of you for allowing me the chance be..., dont turn around and give up many lessons along the way she has Born. Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, ever-present! Again and again, to the medal have already achieved and I hate that it entailed Had simply come mind! We truly believe you can also state how she can work further hard and the of. Little girl there were probably many people that did n't n't be for... World because they need it letter to my daughter as she Graduates from college profession because discuss... Study guide will help you focus your time on what 's most important I asked too many questions helpless! For your future entirety of the horns hit the letter to daughter graduating nursing school, and persistence are full life! Graduating daughter to Show you appreciate her Effort # 1 nursing students anticipate the pinning ceremony throughout their nursing... Learned to deal with your dedication to do great things think you would do! First, I am very proud devotion to your friends stay little to always with!

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