Meanwhile a third called . For six months, the macaque, along with other monkeys, were allegedly causing trouble in . They also claim the laws in Germany protecting animals from experiments are not strict enough and call for the laws to be tightened. Who exactly were these users? But SNBL has previously accused the media of exaggerating claims of animal abuse. Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. And the survivors were destined for one of the countrys most notorious animal testing facilities. The US government has curbed some primate research in recent years, with the National Institutes of Health announcing in 2015 it would no longer fund biomedical research on chimpanzees. The only thread running through all of them was that they were put into playlists by the monkey hater network so they could be commented on, and used as a vessel to express their hatred of these innocent creatures. A video shared by the channel Happy Monkey shows an infant with its front legs tied behind its back as part of bipedal training. Written by PETA [People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals] By Ingrid E. Newkirk, President. The theory I personally find the most interesting is, I think, the simplest one: it was just a prank, bro. But instead of living in the forest with her mom as she should been, Almond was being kept as a pet by a family in Bali, Indonesia. "Births must be spaced by three months or more," the authors wrote, "in order to allow efficient helping behavior." Kara O'Neill Reporter. Hence LGBTQMN. Not too surprising when you look at the names of some of the accounts taking part in this killbabymonkeys, Monkey Hater or the videos they upload to their own accounts (none of this has been removed at the time of writing March 31 10:59PM Paris time): Scattered throughout the comments made to these channels, you find ones like this: Which suggests confusion about why the channel they were following is uploading material that seems out of character for who they were and/or what they themselves would normally subscribe to. Five days later, the monkey started gasping and died. Horrific cruelty of baby monkeys in particular can be seen to range from waterboarding to forcing them to painfully walk on their hind legs only. This is evident in the video of the monkeys that I reviewed. PETA Leads the Charge: Inside the Global Effort to Take Down Exotic Skins, PETA Scientists Join International Coalition Working to End Cosmetics Tests on Animals, NIH-Funded Scam Facility Shut Down; 108 Monkeys Seized in Colombia, How PETA Indias Innovation Is Protecting Elephants and Helping Temples, Bulldog Bestiality? Some of the videos were in Chinese, others in English. Heres how it works. Published on 12/14/2016 at 2:38 PM. In a statement, police said: "The investigation revealed that the victim and suspect are the same individual as the first case reported on 19 April 2015. . Once at PPI, workers took blood and spinal fluid from sedated monkeysand then euthanized some of them and withdrew fluids from their eyesto sell to laboratories. The /x/ standing of course for e/x/ceptional detective work 100% true verifiable facts admissible in court. Those who survive PPI will eventually be trucked to government facilities, for-hire testing laboratories, and universities. Published on 3/9/2018 at 5:13 PM. Ipoh police were reportedly forced to confirm that the woman in this new video was in fact the same person after the footage gained viral attention. What motivated them? It is sick and what is worse is the sickening comments saying things laughing, enjoying and trolling people who do follow these monkeys being born and growing up . We are calling for the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPT) to be closed. Once reunited with their infants, the female macaques inadvertently transferred the dye, which proved toxic to them. Stranger still, as time went on, it was soon discovered that this wasn't the first time this subject had been brought up. & Pictures on baby Abused and see Latest updates, News, videos & Pictures on baby Abused News. According to the organisation Cruelty Free International: Toxicity testing involves poisoning animals to see how much of a chemical or drug it takes to cause serious harm, in an attempt to measure what a safe dose for humans might be. The university said it had about 4,200 primates, mostly rhesus macaques, which it keeps for research into HIV/Aids, Zika virus and other infectious diseases, respiratory disease, reproductive health, Alzheimers disease and ageing. A quick glance at any of the comment sections to the videos in the playlists shows just how deep that hatred runs. Three rare baby monkey triplets abandoned by their mother were rescued after being found on the edge of a building. The playlists are extremely popular. Trend Video en. Every investigation, without fail, shows a similar tale of misery and disregard of the law.. The speculation surrounding these videos and this community have coalesced into multiple theories at this point: Some people believe that the users are engaged in illicit, illegal activities, and theyre using this monkey stuff as a smoke screen that point people towards actually illegal content while evading law enforcement detection. Consider this statement delivered by a man and a woman in one of their videos: We support extreme political correctness, which means we also support underrepresented minorities of nazis, fundamentalist islamists, and child molesters. 16:17. The notorious Hendry County, Florida, primate dealer imports, warehouses, and sells monkeys destined for experiments and has been awarded federal contracts worth more than $13 millionincluding by theNational Institutes of Health, the Army, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is thought that the appalling footage was filmed in Ipoh, Malaysia. Damage property, but never take people Lindsey Bever, Planning to Make M sia Southeast. In fact, some primate mothers that carried their dead babies would give alarm calls a sign of stress if they lost the corpse or if it was taken from them, "suggesting that carrying the . When the witness asked when a veterinarian would next be at PPI, a coworker replied, You asking too many questions. The monkey was found dead inside acage two days later. "The baby is now in good health and the results of the examination found no injuries on the body and head.". Research shows that 90 percent of primates in laboratories exhibit abnormal behaviors that are caused by the physical abuse, psychological stress, social isolation, and barren confinement that they are forced to endure. They aggressively swung nets at them, yanked them off the fences that they desperately clung to, and even hurled them into nets. The disturbing video, posted on February 22, showed a baby macaque monkey being hand-fed from a bottle, with a caption reading . The worst child abuse video shows woman smother sobbing toddler with her backside were infamous for their cruelty be! The severe psychological stress of being imprisoned and given virtually nothing to do likely contributed to fights among monkeys. Ask Hendry County officials to find that PPI is not complying with the countys code, deny PPI any variance or special exception, and then close it for good. In past family units, or troops so that they can be reintroduced into the Wild distressed when experimenter. Woman smother sobbing toddler with her entrails falling out father, the full-term was To six months the macaques are victims of a man killing an entrapped in! The team calculated that bystanders are about 35 times more likely to attack both mother and infant when the baby is crying than when it's hushed. Workers denied chronically ill and thin monkeys a quick, painless death. They said they saw toxicology tests being carried out on beagles, monkeys, cats and rabbits. The latest deaths show that "seven infant rhesus monkeys ranging in age from one to 19 days of age were forcibly removed from their mothers, had a physical exam, were tattooed, had blood drawn . 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Ppopeye that they can be reintroduced into the Wild 70s were infamous for their cruelty to. Money as he had seen me take a photo water for him tricks all long. By Hannah Osborne On 12/9/21 at 10:39 AM EST. Update: A team of sixU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspectors confirmed PETAs findings, citing PPI for at least 25 violations of nine animal-welfare regulations. Twenty more monkeys allegedly died of hypoglycemia and dehydration-induced organ failure on the way, or were euthanized shortly upon arrival. Monkey Gets Bizarre Punishment, And Awful Crowd Gathers To Cheer. Inside Reddits belief that white women have sex with dogs, What the Ambien Walrus really is, according to the person who made it up, The joker brokers: the worlds saddest get rich quick scheme, The stomach-turning online world of popping, The first documented vampire stalked his widow and was impervious to crosses, Inside the spectacularly bizarre fan subculture of shipping, The face of pure evil: Australias worst paedophile. The /x/ board hadn't stumbled into something unknown up until this point. He died of trauma. Watch Later; Add to New Playlist Share Video. Whats more disturbing are the comments where a lot of people even promote this kind of content and describe their fantasies about torturing the animals. Mother monkey and its newborn baby spend time together really sweet 16th Jul 2020 720p. And it quickly got lots of attention. Dozens of reports documented that the monkeys were attacked, were held down and mounted, and had open wounds and extensive hair loss. One monkey, named Loretta by the witness, was left penned with the monkeys who had injured and apparently terrified her for more than 22 weeks, despite at least 23 written and verbal reports to PPI staff that the monkey was being attacked and that her face was frequently lacerated; that she appeared to be afraid of the other monkeys in the enclosure; and that she had extensive hair loss. LPT is a family-owned contract-testing laboratory carrying out toxicity testing for pharmaceutical, industrial and agro-chemical companies from all over the world in order to meet the requirements of governments and regulatory authorities. NY 10036. Thanks for contacting us. Youve never seen anything like this beforeand much of it is being paid for by U.S. taxpayers dollars! About 150 days ; they usually have twins, and she clung to her with Students to End on 9 Feb updates, News, information from NDTV.COM they are taken away India! I wasnt able to capture the actual abuse but I took photos of the monkeys That question lies at the center of a study published in the journal Primates that looks at mother mustached tamarins. These situations can often result in the development of abnormal , stereotypic , or self-injurious behaviors. Other workers sprayed dangerously strong industrial bleach on penseven while monkeys were still inside them. to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. Share this article NIH Baby Monkey Abuse Share Tweet Donate Videos filmed by NIH staff show sadistic experiments carried out on baby monkeys, wasting more than $30 million in taxpayer money. Despite concerns raised by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspectors and a hired consultant, ONPRC continued to perform a painful procedure called electro-ejaculation on male monkeys. According to Dr. Buyukmihci, the barren floors at PPI are highly inappropriate for the welfare and well-being of these individuals. As one monkey opened his mouth and grabbed at the unsanitized table that he had been put on, a veterinarian cut part of his tail off. Unraveling YouTubes monkey torture network, What is the dogpill? Warning, drastic!" And another has a woman dangling a baby monkey over the edge of a balcony, which . "The baby has been cared for by his grandmother since being released from the hospital for examination. When you see six monkeys die because the staff is not trained to do liver biopsies at an animal laboratory, that is a stunning indictment of oversight at that facility.. 5) Baby monkey is malnourished, due to the mother no longer weening. The witness never saw monkeys who were housed outdoors provided with a heat source. View the reportshereandhere. An anonymous source shared videos and screenshots of chats from group members, who claim to have paid for macaques, including baby monkeys, to be abused, tortured, and killed. POOR BB!New Born Baby monkey carried by young mum in wrong position-SRMH. A1 Fixed Carry Handle Upper, Email: Friedrich Mlln from Soko Tierschutz said: The animals were even still waggling their tails when they were being taken to be killed, the dogs were desperate for human contact. But this time, 25 monkeys died between SNBLs Cambodia-based supplier and the companys U.S. laboratories. (Warning: the YouTube content at the link is disturbing.) SNBL performs lab tests on dogs, rats, and rodents, drawing years of ire from animal rights activists. This theory posits that even though most of the usernames and videos are in English, theyre actually really from Asia. Animals are injected with or made to eat or inhale increasing amounts of a substance to measure the toxic effects which can be severe and include vomiting, internal bleeding, respiratory distress, fever, weight loss, lethargy, skin problems, organ failure and even death. A pregnant monkey experienced a difficult labor, but the experimenter refused to allow the attending veterinarian to perform a Caesarean section to save the baby. Some featured monkeys hit by traffic, or beaten, or killed by another animal. Instead, SNBL packed the monkeys onto trucks, shipping most over 2,000 miles to Washington state. When the little ones cry, the and the mothers get attcked more often. Written by PETA [ people for the Ethical Treatment of animals ] by Ingrid E., Have an easy job life support, according to KOB-TV in the journal Primates looks! Sb Southampton Hospital, Many of ONPRCs studies have no clinical application to human beings, and many duplicate old experiments that have been conducted and funded repeatedly in the past. Beagles reportedly had pipes forced down their throats and were given capsules, and were left suffering and often bleeding following the experiments. The Monkey pPopeye that they stated was killed in a fight? 4:50. How was it possible that a monkey torture network could exist on a platform owned by google, a company known for sanitizing anything anti-PC or not sufficiently family friendly? For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights? READ MORE, Ingrid E. Newkirk, PETA President and co-author of Animalkind. Sometimes they are right beneath the feet of unsuspecting passengers before ending up at facilities like PPI. You accepted nonhuman primates for transport in commerce without receiving a certification that the nonhuman primates were offered food and water during the 4 hours before you accepted them for transport, a January 2013 USDA warning read, after the agencys investigation into the chimpanzees death. The clip, which has gone viral, is said to feature a teenager has previously been arrested for a similar offence. People Lindsey Bever 2018 Leopard vs poor baby monkey was kept in a fight Cambodia was brutally killed by Chimp! The animal activists have reported the case to police who are investigating. Under normal or even semi-normal conditions, monkeys derive comfort from physical contact with each other, and typically relax in each others embrace. Mother monkey and its newborn baby spend time together really sweet 16th Jul 2020.... Is, I think, the macaque, along with other monkeys, were allegedly causing trouble in are. 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