In truth, though, his answer is there. So, when Jonah was on a ship, there was a storm and the sailors threw Jonah into the sea. Then all of sudden God decided to come between Jonah and his patriotism. Did he leap for joy and shouted hooray? These past few months I have been doing the Jonah Bible study from Priscilla Shirer with my good friend Ana. How grateful we should be that Jehovah patiently teaches us to be more selfless, more compassionate, more mercifulas he is! God chose Jonah to go to the Ninevites and tell them that unless they turned from their wicked ways they would face God's punishment. Jonah rebels, gets swallowed by a great fish, repents, and, at last, fulfills his mission. 3 - 4 ) Jonah's Renewed Commission and Obedience ( 3:1-4) The Endangered Ninevites' Repentant Appeal to the Lord ( 3:5-9) Jonah's Disobedience Exposed ( 1:7-10) Jonah's Punishment and Deliverance (1:11 -- 2:1; 2:10) His Prayer of Thanksgiving ( 2:2-9) Jonah Reluctantly Fulfills His Mission (chs. For, Jonah, this is unthinkable and so, HE FLED! PRIVACY POLICY (b)How did Jehovahs miracles involving a bottle-gourd plant affect Jonah? Jonah went outsidethe city, hoping to witness its condemnation, but Jesus Christ went outside the city to die on a cross to accomplish its salvation. The stubborn servant felt the heat of hell until he repented. The force of this final question cannot be overstated. Covenantal-snobbery was, and can still be, a serious problem with Gods people. Is it wrong to judge other people? Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. He was hoping God was going to call down fire on everyone. In fact, the narrator uses the same grammatical structure as in Jonah 4:1. The word Lord means someone or something having power, authority, or influence; master or ruler. Perhaps, he was angry, because the warning he had given them had not been carried out. So, please feel free to drop me a comment or take a look at my similar posts in my Christian Faith Articles page! From inside the fish, Jonah prayed: 'I promise to obey you always.'. PDF to print for family reading. . There is a multitude of slain, a great number of bodies, countless corpses - They stumble over the corpses - because of the multitude of harlotries of the seductive harlot, the mistress of sorceries, who sells nations through her harlotries, and families through her sorceries.". If anything, it will just have negative effects on us and the people around us! Was it not because Jonah had allowed his thinking to become selfish? In this article When we look at Jonah in the Bible you will discover incredible life lessons that can be applied to our daily walk with God. When God speaks to our heart to do something we should take intitive. There are consequences for sin, but the Lord is always ready to. At this point we find our first great lessons regarding God's sovereignty. What does a man swallowed by a big fish thousands of years ago have to do with the Day of Atonement? God takes the time to teach Jonah a lesson about love through the example of . Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. As he sank deeper and deeper into the sea, he prayed to Jehovah. I enjoy the Bible study and I want to be a blessing to others. So God performed additional miracles. God loves us as much as He loves the people outside of the church. 1) That while our love for others fail, God's compassion knows no ends. God is omniscient - Psalm 139:1-6. Jonah stays 3 days inside the whale and Jonah cried out to God. For the official Church websites, please visit or On the way, however, God caused tragic things to happen. God, however, had compassion on the people of Nineveh: "And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their leftand much livestock?" He likely had to skirt the vast Syrian Desert, ford such rivers as the mighty Euphrates, and seek shelter among foreigners in the towns and villages of Syria, Mesopotamia, and Assyria. . He is, now, angry that God has forgiven them. The commandment to Jonah was to "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me" (Jonah 1:2). But those things need to bow down to Gods ways. How did Jehovah reason with Jonah about the bottle-gourd plant? We are all sinners who are worthy of death. 4) A storm threatens to overturn the ship. The only disobedient figure in the book of Jonah is Jonah. Who of us is immune to such selfish tendencies? I love looking for signs so i looked at the paper. An encyclopedia hit the nail on the head as it described the lesson that God taught Jonah through the worm destroying the plant that gave him such delight in an emotional and tiring time in his life. If they listened to God's warningif they repented then God might spare them, and they would remain a looming threat. Jonah is mad at the Lord, so the Lord tried to teach him. Key Verse: I want to complete the work the Lord Jesus has given me.He wants me to give witness to others about the good news of God's grace. (John 8:57,58) The truth is, we should never assume that it is impossible for people to repentno matter how vicious they may seem to us. (a)How does Jehovah show that he is reasonable, adaptable, and merciful? Did that solve Jonahs attitude? The minor prophet, Jonah, takes place when Nineveh, that great city, was the largest city on the face of the earth. Jonah was the prophet who served during the reign of Jeroboam II in the Eighth Century before Christ. Jonah runs away because he cannot resolve two contradictions: between the categorization of prophecies that do not come to pass as "false prophecies" (Deuteronomy 18:21-22) and the revocation of the verdict against Nineveh, in response to its repentance; and between the concept of God as unchanging and resolute (see Numbers 23:19) and His . Its only 4 short chapters. 5) He is thrown into the water. God let Jonah eat lavishly, then sent him to a place of famine. Jonah; Micah . Jonah knew that God was full of grace and mercy, and that was why he was afraid to tell the people of Nineveh. As we saw in the preceding chapter, Jehovah patiently taught Jonah by means of a windstorm at sea and a miraculous rescue involving a huge fish. Its easy to be triggered when things dont go the way we plan, but we need to surrender our will to His will. Would you like to read this article in %%? Prophet Jonah disobeyed God and attempted to escape, but God caught him red-handedly. Jonah repented while in the belly of a fish; God heard his voice and saved him. . God can simply choose to find another Prophet to do the job. The petulant prophet is perturbed that God's grace to pagans is of greater priority to God than Jonahs comfort. So, you know for Jonah it would be a BIG deal to travel to Nineveh. What miracle did God perform to teach Jonah a lesson? That is where the Gourd and the Worm come in. After paying the fare, he. When God called Jonah to go and warn the violent and . Jonah 3 & 4. My honest opinion of why he did that was in hopes that he could escape from Gods presence. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I was out on the road today in my car, I was dropping off a package and when I returned to my car there was paper on the front of my bumper. Amen. Its Not What You Think! God was telling Jonah to take a message of repentance to an empire destined to destroy his own nation and people. Learning to show mercy is often difficult for imperfect humans. You could really see the clear intent of Jonah here that he really didnt want to do the job he was called to do. ). When someone repents, are we happy for the person? Hi, welcome to my little piece of cyberspace! We read: To Jonah, though, it was highly displeasing, and he got to be hot with anger. (Jonah 4:1) Jonah even uttered a prayer that sounds like a rebuke of the Almighty! How could Jonah place more value on a single plant than he did on the lives of 120,000 humans, in addition to all their livestock? We need to realize who the Ninevites were. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. Thats all that was recorded in the preaching of Jonah. Clearly, Jonah did learn a vital lesson from Jehovahs wise instruction. A gourd, an easterly winder, and even a worm, all over the Lord without any protests. Rich and poor, strong and weak, young and old were all caught up in the same repentant spirit. It has a ton of practical and fun things to print that will help you in you grow in your walk with God! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Not stopping and chewing on what the scripture is trying to show us. Yes, they do, but most of the time, Israel wont repent. When we begin to reduce Gods response to human sin as judgment without mercy, then it is time for us to open up the book of Jonah, and invite the Spirit of the Lord to cleanse us of self-interests, smugness, and uncaring attitudes and return to the Lord of love. Instead of doing our part in preaching the Gospel, are we running away by simply ignoring this command, wasting our time on unproductive things, or focusing too much on the things of this world rather than the things of God? | it helps to pay the bills and keeps this website running. After all, we might offend someone or worse, the world might crucify us. Article Images Copyright , 4 Powerful Lessons from the Book of Jonah for Today. Lastly, I get commissions for purchases made through my Amazon affiliate links in this website. (b)How did Jehovah deal with his distressed prophet? Jonah would have to travel this by horse/camel. (a)What did Jonah do after leaving Nineveh? Jonah (whose name means "dove") ministered in the northern kingdom of Israel in about 790-760 BC. God comes to us while we are still sinners, and still, the Lord does not wait for us to clean up our act before He comes into our lives. Then God concluded: For my part, ought I not to feel sorry for Nineveh the great city, in which there exist more than one hundred and twenty thousand men who do not at all know the difference between their right hand and their left, besides many domestic animals?Jonah 4:10,11. Of course, we know that you and I cant flee from God. Or trouble within your church? God gave us the ability to choose - Joshua 24:15. The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of Gods Mercy. The next day he sent in a worm which destroyed the gourd leaving Jonah open to the elements. Jonah remains today a powerful lesson on compassion, on purpose, and obedience. 3) He ends up on a ship. Jonah flat out doesnt want to go to Nineveh. It has spiritual ramifications that affects both our spiritual life, and daily life. Jehovahs righteous anger against Nineveh simply abated. Instead of punishing Jonah for his disrespect, Jehovah simply asked him one gentle, probing question: Have you rightly become hot with anger? (Jonah 4:4) Did Jonah even answer? Confinement, Communion, and Confession, Jonah 2. Did not his anger over Nineveh spring from motives that were likewise selfisha prideful desire to save face, to be proved right? The 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, are likely infants. This post may contain affiliate links. A Second Chance with God, Jonah 3. Or did Jehovah grant him that ability through a miracle? Rather than the story being only about Nineveh, or about God's message, all of the lessons seem to be centered in the person of Jonah. I hope you learned something new about the story of Jonah. We read: "Now Nineveh herself proved to be a city great to God." ( Jonah 3:3) Three times, the record of Jonah quotes Jehovah as referring to "Nineveh the great city." ( Jonah 1:2; 3:2; 4:11) Why was this city great, or important, to Jehovah? However, Jehovah wanted to do more for Jonah than simply deliver him from the heat and from his own petulant anger. Jonah would have to travel this by horse/camel. In its heyday, Nineveh may have been the largest city in the world. Jonah is the only prophet in the Old Testament that God flat out told to preach to a Gentile city and not just any gentiles but the people of Nineveh (The Assyrians). He asked him to go somewhere Jonah would NEVER want to go. The Book of Jonah is one of the twelve minor prophets of the Nevi'im ("Prophets") in the Hebrew Bible, and as a book in its own right in the Christian Old Testament.The book tells of a Hebrew prophet named Jonah, son of Amittai, who is sent by God to prophesy the destruction of Nineveh, but tries to escape this divine mission.. John 3:16 tells us, For God so loved the Israelites, no, the church, no, the apostles, saints, prophets, NO! Why would they do that? . God often only tells us what we can handle at the time. He was the earliest of the prophets and close behind Elisha in his place in the Old Testament. (See also footnote.) They had made no agreement to obey Him like the Israelites had ( Exodus 24:3 ), and God had no obligation to save them. Jonah wanted to see Nineveh destroyed. They had believed him. | *. In this post, let us take a deeper look at the Book of Jonah and its many lessons it can teach us about Gods mercy and forgiveness and the role we need to play in doing his work. When thinking about this book as a whole, and what God is trying to teach Jonah, what does this mean for us. Jonah then goes to Ninvaha, tells them to repent and the whole city believes Jonah and repents. The story of Jonah and the Whale, one of the oddest accounts in the Bible, opens with God speaking to Jonah, son of Amittai, commanding him to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh. Did he fear being ridiculed or being labeled a false prophet? The book is historical and refers to what became one of the greatest revivals in the history of humankind. His life and ministry, recorded in but four chapters, brings so many lessons to Christians old and new. The Lord provided a gourd or plant that protected Jonah. One could never feel any sense of accomplishment or ownership, because it is given without cause. 2. Its like what my pastor says, Earthly obedience, brings forth spiritual release. 2. Icried out to theLordbecause of my affliction,And He answered me. So what are the lessons we can learn from the book of Jonah? It may be that Jonah made his proclamation in his native Hebrew and used an interpreter to relate it to the Ninevites. In his mind, they deserve nothing but death. The record of Jonah ends there, so we dont know what happened to Jonah after that, but we can hope that he learned what the Lord wanted him to learn and that he repented of his attitude and actions. Lesson 48, November 21-27. Then Jehovah sent a huge fish. So great was this monumental world capital that considerable remnants of Nineveh remain to this day. Imitate Their Faith. Through games, drawing their own comic strip, a DIY Big Gulp of Jonah toy, and a Jonah in a Big Fish puppet, kids learn that God is compassionate and gracious. So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD. Instead of us being beaten, insulted, and crucified, Yahshua did it for us. But have you thought of what you also deserve? He tried to run away from the presence of God, and enjoy himself. So, Yahweh "sent out a great wind on the sea." As a result, Jonah was thrown to the sea and God saved him. Whenever we come to think that someone is beyond Gods love, or they have committed acts so vile as to be forever separated from God, then it is time for us to return to the book of Jonah. 17,18. The sign is that a place of death had become a place of deliverance. Had Jonah gone to Nineveh just as an enemy Israelite, he would have most likely been ignored, maybe even killed. The mandate to preach repentance is inexorably linked to the announcement of Gods grace and forgiveness. He would also know that if he disobeyed the commands of the Lord, he would bring down the wrath of God on himself. (see Jonah 3:4) Such a preaching could sound pretty condemning and scary, and it is: it's a message of judgment. Im sure it will bless you like it has blessed me. (a)How was Jonah evidently affected by Jehovahs wise instruction about mercy? God does not tempt us with sin - James 1:13. Sign up for my newsletter and you will receive the Jonah character overview. He will establish his abiding presence with his favorite children. God is determined to get Jonah to Nineveh. He learned to be merciful. In the same way, God is not quitting on us. On the contrary, he is reasonable, adaptable, and merciful. For you cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas, and the floods surrounded me;All Your billows and your waves passed over me (Jonah 2:1-3 NKJV). Jesus, however, experienced the full wrath of God, which he endured willingly for our sakes. This would take him weeks if not months! Lesson #2. PRIVACY SETTINGS,,, Share Then he sent a parching east wind until Jonah began swooning away because of the heat. Don't just take the Ninevites words for it; listen to the Apostle Paul: "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hathenabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. The story shows us how merciful God is, by contrasting His mercy with Jonah's hunger for revenge. Now, here was Jonah, a man who perfectly knew who the Ninevites were. Critics have expressed what doubt regarding the Ninevites, but how do we know that the critics are mistaken? 6 It has been estimated that Samaria, the capital of the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel, may have had some 20,000 to 30,000 inhabitants in Jonahs dayless than a fourth of Ninevehs population. . What mattered to him were the people. We could be in the church, but our heart is not in the church. 1:4, 11, 13, 15; 4:8), and he prepared a sea-creature, a vine, and a worm to do his bidding (Jon. However, Bible scholars have noted that a movement of that kind was not out of keeping with the superstitious and volatile nature of people of such cultures in ancient times. God Wants You Back, Jonah 1-2. The essential nature of God and His mission in the world should be a powerful motivation as well as a source of confidence as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission. For Jonah a whole city was ready to repent, but for that to happen he would have to leave his comfort zone. They are just nothing but mere pretension. Jonah was the son of Amittai, who came from Gath-hepher in Zebulun (called Gittah-hepher in Joshua 19:10-13 ). The book of Jonah concludes with a rather enigmatic ending. And he said: I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction,and He answered me. The views expressed by individual users are the responsibility of those users and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. The issue in the book of Jonah causes each of us to reflect on this truth: those who curse Christ today could be those who preach Christ tomorrow. Last week we looked at the Jonah 1 & 2 and God's Mercy on a Reluctant Prophet. Amen. Under King Jeroboam II, the nation expanded its borders and enjoyed an age of splendour that . He knew, because of Gods incredible and unfathomable deep level of mercy, He would forgive them if they repent! Jehovah, on the other hand, was the Source of life for those Ninevites and had sustained them, as he does all creatures on earth. He ordered that all wear sackcloth, even the domestic animals. 6 When Jonah finally entered Nineveh, its sizable population of more than 120,000 may have made the place only more intimidating. Short little Melissa style summary and insight: *If you are not familiar with the story of Jonahspend some time reading it. Will we?Read Matthew 5:7. He asks the men to hurl him into the sea, which they do, and the storm. Should the Ninevites resume their wicked ways, God would bring the same judgment against them. He decides the best thing to do is leave Israel and go in the polar opposite direction to Tarshish, which is said to be near Spain. What sign is God giving me to trust in him? Give me the ability to do whatever you ask of me. Now that we had a short summarylets get down to business! Jonah couldnt see that and sometimes, we couldnt see that as well. He had prophesied doom and destruction in the name of the Lord, but due to repentance it wasnt going to happen. Sometimes we learn lessons the hard way because we don't always do things God's way. He was to call Nineveh to repentance. We could be preaching, but our hearts may not be in preaching. We do not know. View joshua.infantado.1s profile on Facebook, View joshuainfantados profile on Twitter, View joshuainfantados profile on LinkedIn, View +JoshuaInfantados profile on Google+, Follow Becoming Christians on 11 Does this mean that Jehovah decided that his own judgment about Nineveh had been in error? These results are in verse three, that is, one verse before the one that tells of God's special intervention in sending the storm . Instead of repenting, Jonah justified himself, saying: I have rightly become hot with anger, to the point of death. The stage was now set for Jehovah to drive the lesson home.Jonah 4:9. * He humbly acknowledged that his people were guilty of badness and violence. What kind of journey lay ahead of Jonah, and how did he feel about his destination? He was a prophet in a nation he is proud of. Where can I fleefrom your presence? The word for the English, loving kindness in the text is the Hebrew, hesed. Hesed is the word used repeatedly throughout the Old Testament to describe Gods loyal love, His self-sworn obligation to love Israel, and to provide what Israel lacked (viz., sacrifice for sin and a holy life). Can you elaborate? How had Jonah learned that he could not run away from his assignment? Many thanks. Here is a perfect heartperfect in generous lovenot excusing, not harshly condemning. Biblearena BibleArena - All Rights Reserved| Sitemap. Even in our failures, God can use it for good! Hes actually ANGRY at God. Did this make Jonah happy? We can almost picture an older, wiser, humbler man ruefully shaking his head as he describes his own mistakes, his rebellion, and his stubborn refusal to show mercy. And now, God is sending Him to them. James Taiwo Click to tweet. I read recently that the atonement doesnt cover all sins such as murder which requires a blood sacrifice. acquire the The Prodigal Prophet Jonah And The Mystery Of God member that we present here and check out the link. How would Jehovah teach this hardheaded man to be merciful? 18 Overnight, Jehovah caused a bottle-gourd plant to sprout up. In Jonah 4:2, we read the reason why he doesnt want to go to Nineveh in the first place: So he prayed to the LORD, and said, Ah, LORD, was not this what I said when I was still in my country? God would use Israel to reach the entire world with His love and grace and forgiveness through His Son Jesus Christ. It is important to note that the Northern Kingdom of Israel was at odds with Assyria and Ninevah was a great city in Assyria. Notice, out of the four chapters of Jonah, the words of his preaching was only one sentence. To learn more visit and subscribe: 6. Nineveh had a huge population for that time. One day, God told the prophet Jonah, "Jonah, go preach to the people of Nineveh. Please keep me ever worthy of your kingdom! TERMS OF USE Three days later, Jonah was vomited out alive onto a beach, an awed and more compliant man.Jonah, chaps. It takes place in part in Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria . . For built into Jonah's first attempts to get away from God are two results which will inevitably follow whenever anyone tries to disobey Him. When we look at Jonah 4, Jonah calls God "a gracious God and merciful." Then, in Ephesians 2, Paul says that God's nature is "rich in mercy." As Christians, we know that God is making. Isaiah was called to preach to a derelict people: "Jerusalem is ruined, and . 20 Gods saying that those people did not know right from left suggested their childlike ignorance of divine standards. Even if Jonah obeyed God from the start, it would still have been easier to send an angel or to appear as a pillar of cloud. BIBLEARENA.ORG presents the sacred teachings of the Bible to enhance spiritual growth. If you want to learn more about Jonahcheck out Priscilla Shirer Jonah Bible Study. i. Jonah knew God heard him before the answer came. - Dylan. We read: Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me.. The lesson for us is that God will not convince us of the matters of faith through powerful and Hollywood-like public manifestations of God's greatness. This is covenantal language of the highest order. His spirits lifted. What does it mean to dwell in the secret place of the Most High (Psalms 91:1)? The Lord caused a big fish to come and swallow Jonah. Jonah needed courage and faith to preach in Nineveh. And Jonah has good earthly reasons why, but God looks beyond the earthly and looks through His spiritual eyes. (Gen. 10:11; Jonah 3:3) Nineveh was impressive, with stately temples, mighty walls, and other edifices. No. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. Based on what happened to Jonah's life, we can simply conclude that there's no point in trying to run away from God, from running away from His purposes, and in trying to achieve our own will and not His. Jonah, of course, tells God, it aint going to happen! and runs away in the polar opposite direction of Ninevah. 10 How did Jehovah react to the Ninevites repentance? ^ par. And now, no doom was coming. You can try to hide, move, go away, either physically or even internally with your emotions, but its futile. We dont deserve mercy and compassion. When Jonah adds that to his list of complaints the Lord uses it as a teaching moment. Yahweh has given Jonah a job that he needs to accomplish. On this site, you can explore the Bible with me as dig into fun topics, like angels, symbolism, characters, dreams and more. 16 It is easy to judge Jonah for his conduct, but we do well to remember that it is not unusual for imperfect humans to disagree with God. Jonah did not weep over the city, but Jesus, the true prophet, did. 12 Jehovah is nothing like the rigid, cold, even harsh God so often portrayed by religious leaders. Nahum 3:1-4 gives us an idea of just how wicked the people of Nineveh were: "Woe to the bloody city! The pagan city of Nineveh, the capital of an Ancient Near Eastern Empire, Assyria, was the epicenter of antagonism toward Israel, and yet, this enemy of God became the object of God's love and grace. Jonah adds that to his will purpose, and crucified, Yahshua did it us... Prophet who what did god do to teach jonah a lesson during the reign of Jeroboam II, the words of his preaching was only one sentence,... 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