Its enough. The prison Cameron is in now does not have the provision to allow him to study further. Falling in love with criminals is a motif known to psychology and anyone wishing to write an educational article about it should learn its dynamics first. Go and click this dumbass???! Men and women are impressed by it. This was a spoiled indulged brat. Everybody should be the same in front of justice. OMG A br sem normlis!! Get away with it? Over-speeding has consequences, it was Camerons decision not to act like a rational human being. Yes Its truth that people show sympathy with Cameron Herrin just because he looks innocent But In my point of view I support him not because of his appearance .Court must put him in prison And punished him but not for 24 years its a long time period To Realized any one mistake Few months are enough too much.I Have also alot of sympathy with victim family . @GOVRONDESANTIS @ANDREWWARRENFL @10TAMPABAY @JOSHWTSP @CNN @DIANNEHARTFL #NBAFinals. Mind a kt csaldot sajnlom de ez a 25 v felhbort! .. it is so hard and painful for him now no one can hug him to support his parents is not close, Pienso igual que t y para m la belleza es irrelevante lo que me impacto fue que hacia dos das acabada de cumplir 18 aos y de graduarse en el colegio catholic high school con buenas calificaciones siempre en el seno de sus padres no era un chico problemtico ni pandillero juvenil no tena cuentas con las leyes, por est razn me solidarizo con Cameron y lo apoyo y lo seguir apoyando lamento lo que le pas a Jessica y a su hija pero la intencin de Cameron no era matar a nadie cometi un grave error el horror que ha estado viviendo nada ms de pesar en que ayer era un nio ya hoy soy adulto que todos me estn acusando y sealando por favor est pagando en carne propia por lo que hizo y meter a la crcel tanto aos a un joven que pudiera ser un profesional que necesita la nacin se va a perder en un calabozo pudieron haberle dado otro castigo y menos aos si Dios permiti que el quedar vivo fue por algn propsito un segundo chance pero no todos lo entierran vivo en una crcel y despus preguntan por qu estamos viviendo tantas catstrofes en el mundo por la misma maldad del hombre por su misma injusticia por la falta de perdn exiten en los corazones Dios ya perdono a este muchacho porque se me en su mirada que lo est y no se cansa de decirse da a da como hubiese vuelto el tiempo atrs no haber hecho lo que hice por que estuvieran vivas Jessica y su hija y yo estara en mi hogar junto a mis padres eso es lo que se dice da a da es joven que pudo haber sido el medico que ustedes necesitaran en la emergencia del hospital o el contratista que el construyera su casa pero ahora que ser en 24 aos? Yeah I did mention in the article that what he did is wrong. Its enough. Florida prisons are cruel. . But what purpose is served by imprisoning this young man for the next twenty-plus years of his life?. Maybe if someone randomly hit your family like that, you would probably be singing a different tone of voice about this whole topic. Witnesses later described the cars as racing each other as they traveled north from Gandy Boulevard up Bayshore, moving in and out of traffic lanes as they passed slower cars. How come I dont understand at all how he could have killed two people, because when you look at the footage of the accident, in fact, when a luxury car crashes at a speed of 100-160 km / ha, I dont think it would have survived everything in addition to no stroller is not at all mutilated just a little on the side, but is a little bumped stroller is a little crippled, damn, I understand its easy to tell us that when someone loses two people from the family, it must be a terrible feeling, I think everyone experienced what can be done, the girls have just died, people are dying every day, so no one is stopping me. Just because many people overspeed in an empty street, doesnt mean its okay to do so. That woman crossed the street illegally with her child next to her! Assistant Tampa police Chief Ruben Delgado to retire, take private sector job. The police office testified to that in court and there were no skid marks. He has to pay for his mistake though, we were all taught that as children that our actions have consequences You have to prove racing act first then call him a murder Herrins appeal had raised the issue of whether Circuit Judge Christopher Nash abused his discretion in applying the sentence. How ironic for a Stacy to justify Stacism isnt it? . This is not about the way he looks! Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time. Of course this young man deserves a punishment, but personally for me the sentence it too harsh. 24 years is to damaging to the rest of his life. When in reality a little girl will never know what it will be like to be an adult who can live the rest of HER life. Yes, he does. In fact, during the 70s, America faced a major serial killer epidemic of who were mostly celebrated as rockstars, even till now. Yes, what if he had killed 2 people in your family choosing to drive over 100 mph, would you still say, oh, he just plowed over my 2 beloved family, members, but it was an accident because most people dont plan to drive super fast down a city street and lose control of their car and run over others, normally that never happens when you chose to drive that fast. he shouldnt be racing in the first place, its common sense that if your racing at such high speed there is a big possibility that an accident can happen & this case is the perfect example of what im talking about. As a young guy, he was doing something that society secretly admires and he wanted to make the cut. February 6, 2023, 6:05 pm, Trending A 21-year-old man has become the latest convicted criminal that internet users have been pining forboth him and his release. All the law knows is that he drove over the allowed speed and he illegally raced, causing a murder of two souls. Did he want to hurt anybody? I dont think they were jay walking, but even if they were, it was still Camerons fault! What is the lesson you want for him? The driver is always the one who got blamend. In doves moments we all know who is in charge!!! WHY TEHY RACE IN FUCKING ROAD WHERE THERRE IS FOOTPATH AND there is NO 100% people might be crossing or they might be the one!! I wanna know how many of yall never crossed 100mph while driving in an empty street? 5) update: i saw some tiktokers accusing the husband of the victims for taking 6 million and going all drama on the driver.that is really a disgusting behaviour and i wish for that to stop Yes and combine that with two counts of vehicular manslaughter (both about 10 years) and then we get a sum total of 26 years; 2 years longer than the court ruling. stop calling him a child because he is NOT a child he is a full grown adult that should be held accountable for his actions. The maximum was 30. For those of you saying he does not deserve that long of a sentence are just wrong in the head as well. He needs to spend the rest of his life in jail paying back the TWO beautiful lives he took! The only lesson that everyone should learn is to be responsible drivers. If an ADULT, not a boy, killed two of your family members, would you be saying this? Everybody have to go one day !! Being defended by teenagers is not privilege. It was an accident, two people lost living 24 years only in prison, its terrible, but the boy will come in 2045 and be there for 24 years, just everything I dont know, I just cant send this tragedy, Im still crying and I dont care who thinks. In December 2020, the attorneys revealed that they had entered separate plea agreements with prosecutors. poor little baby and her beautiful mother. Its not about handsome its about hes young boy and only second child thats unfair hope he gets a second chance ? #4 He admitted he was guilty. We all make mistakes, but did he ever cry or ask for forgiveness from the man himself, or at least pretend he asked for forgiveness, and why did he try to escape after he was murdered? Two people are dead, two lives have been taken without a second chance and there might have been many more of them. Cameron Herrin was sentenced in April for the 2018 killings of Jessica Reisinger-Raubenolt, 24, and her 20-month-old daughter, Lillia. and whys he going viral? Would u get second chance in Jannah. As a driver, I dont have to stop without a pedestrian crosswalk only because a pedestrian appears on the side. But it is also true that she has the duty to check the road beforehand. I just want to tell you guys to able to think about what is wrong and what is right! Doctors testified to the court in 2014 that Guzman was schizophrenic and had suffered disturbing delusions for years. Law doesnt care whether it was his intention to kill them or not. cameron herrin, 21, was sentenced to 24 years in prison for vehicular homicide in april saving the dogs who end up at delray dog. Cameron Herrin went to prison for a Tampa crash. You have to pass many tests to be allowed to drive to begin with, he knew the risks and deserved the 24 years, if not more. The 20-year-old victim's parents, who had been critical of the jury's verdict, were contemptuous of Mr. Herrin's comments as they spoke in interviews after the sentencing. Of course being sexually attractive isnt an excuse to be acquitted of a crime but then isnt this guy going to jail after all? It is only accident if the incident happens while performing a normal actions in life. many users from tik tok signed a petition for his release. It could even have been his own death. no. I cant imagine the pain of both families. 102mph in a 40mph zone? Does anyone drive here ?? (I remember hearing in the trial that the electronic data in his car proved that had been speeding and racing multiple times the month before this happened. Why cant you understand that it is criminal to just consider doing that. Okay that is! TAMPA Did a Tampa judge abuse his discretion when he sentenced Cameron Herrin to 24 years in prison for causing a traffic crash that killed a mother and daughter on Bayshore Boulevard? bc i 100% know that if any of his fans mom and baby sister were killed they wouldnt be loving their murderer. ), Cameron wont serve 24 years. He was 18 with a full brain and shouldve thought about his actions before doing them. Hibzott! But never wanted to kill anyone!!! I dont know the whole story but if my wife and child or my daughter and my grandkid were killed like this Id do whatever I could to make the murderer pay, and if the law failed to do that, Id do it myself. My opinion is 6- 8 years max. Like paedophilia is a crime, Hybristophilia too should be declared a crime and such people be locked in jail or mental asylum wherever they get fit. *. Dont take the title into a literal context and read the full article. I agree with what you are saying about the mom and daughter he killed That was reckless, stupid and totally avoidable. Oh, and he was also committing a crime by speeding. The crash occurred a little before noon on May 23, 2018. As they were against Cameron ruining Jessica and Lilias life, they are actually ruining his life too. 2020-2023 (BTW HIS MOM)the lady and a child had gone but if he jailed his if (mother will commit suicide) what will u ask then! Aya Salah If he accidentally dropped a whole pack of glass bottles on the floor, or failed a semester in school, then okay that would have been a stupid mistake. Cameron is a good person. The court did not issue a written opinion. #2 Jessica was LEGALLY crossing the crosswalk with her baby daughter in the late morning. He said even 80 years is insufficient but 24 is no different. Im sure with good behaviour he wont have to serve out that full sentence either. Both Herrin and Barrineau will appear before Judge Nash in a virtual hearing on Thursday to enter a formal plea of guilty. Despite their efforts, Camerons history of speeding and David Raubenolts (Jessicas husband) testimony convinced the court to hand down the 24-year sentence. Shame on you for your indifference to the family of the victims,the victims of this unconscious criminal. Ay ay You know why? That she has not seen and heard the cars cannot be. Im not sure what you are confused about. Those who think that he is kid nd didnt know the concequences of his actions. That the families of the victims drop the charges and invite him to have tea while he tells them how the corpses of the mother and her baby flew away? he is a killer, a fucking killer. Sad part is, the moron will be out in 12 years. They implored the court to look at him as a young boy who made a rash mistake due to his tender years. Are you serious? john deere 2030 head bolt torque. So the pressure on the way high. Herrin appealed his sentencing, but no news of when or if hell be eligible for parole anything soon. What did he expect to happen going so fast down a public street?! 24 years is not enough to even replace the future of the . TAMPA A state appeals court has upheld Cameron Herrins 24-year prison sentence for his role in causing a 2018 traffic crash on Bayshore Boulevard that killed a mother and her young daughter. Family members of the victims asked the judge to impose the maximum 30-year sentence. Its difficult to call it an accident because as I stated, its common sense that when you drive a car at such a crazy speed, you could crash into a car or hit someone and cause death or fatal damage. accident my ass. You always have to consider the stopping distance of a vehicle. Cameron Herrin is a 21-year-old man guilty of killing the 24-year-old mother, Jessica Reisinger Raubenolt, and her 21-month-old daughter Lillia Raubenolt. Define it.. this was an accident to where all evidence shows she was j walking she wasnt deaf or blind.. and 30 to 40 mph isnt racing.. stop spreading lies..I live in the area and no normal person would even attempt crossing that road.. let alone with ur baby.. what was her state of mind? Every sane person knows that race on public street means extremely high risk of fatal accident. Crossed the street illegally? We do not sympathize with him for the sake of handsomeness.. You are wrong.. Herrin, 20, pleaded guilty a year ago to two counts of vehicular homicide and a charge of unlawful racing on a highway. Its not about handsome its about hes young boy and only second child thats unfair hope he gets a second chance ? Yhe young generation is not sympathizing him because of his looks. Will never have a family of his own. It was the same money that has compensated 8 member of Jessicas family with 6.4 million dollars. Your whole essay does not make any sense if you are only thinking about a young lad and nobody else. De kt sz van aminek van jelentsge! Bots are straightforward. Street racing is already illegal and yet he was immature enough to continue because there were no consequences. Hell be hardened by his time in jail. Cameron Herrins eyes widened in disbelief as a Florida judge sentenced him to 24 years in prison for causing the deaths of 24-year-old Jessica Raubenolt and her 21-month-old daughter, Lillia. You say he should have thought of his consequences, but at his age, the prefrontal cortex of the brain isnt finished developing. The privilege he has is receiving support and sympathy from people although hes the one who committed the crime, not the victim. If Cameron was indian or arab you would have no mercy for him. I think it unfair to blame him for the publicity he is getting because of his looks. First of all the entire premise is nonsense. The punishment for vehicular homicide does not exceed more than three years. He was sentenced to jail for 24 years in prison very fairly! Herrin and Barrineau both pleaded guilty to vehicular homicide charges. Also, he admitted to what he did. az. On the same charge of vehicular homicide, the court will adjudicate Herrin guilty and sentence him to 15 more years in Florida state prison, adding up to a total of 24 years in prison. yeah it needs to be reconsidered. Want more of our free, weekly newslettersinyourinbox? The judge in Camerons case sentenced him to 9 years in prison for the first count of vehicular homicide and 15 years for the second count. The lady had the right to cross the street at this point. ich weiss nicht warum du hier von priviligiert sprichst. I agree with you 100% It was an accident and its ugly here, the point is that he accidentally did everything in front of him, imagine how he felt and was guilty because all his life I support him and will support him because the child really didnt want to do it this is a terrible mistake for him, and the court should reconsider his sentence because 24 years is really too much for him he may not sleep at night going crazy as one of the things I fear most is what can happen to him when he does not endure this pain all his life think about it. u do it on purpose. Cameron Herrin, a 21 year old kid, was sentenced for 24 years in prison on 8 April 2021 for an unintentional accident in which a mother and a daughter passed away on 23 May 2018 when he was just 18. It was exceptionally helpful! We are currently evaluating the options which we have.. The appeal noted the difference between Herrins penalty and that of the other involved teen driver, John Barrineau, who negotiated an agreement for a six-year sentence. He overtook him and at that moment his car started to go awfully crazy and his bike went off. I would like to say a few words about this tragedy, I know that everyone has an opinion and I respect it, there are two groups that agree with Camerons punishment and the first group is that I would like him to get even more years than he deserves. HORRIBLE accident and he is GUILTY of speeding and reckless driving that resulted in a horrific accident because he did not intent to kill them. He regrets everything that happened, cannot switch it back to normal testified that he feels for the loss of 2 lives via his hands and will remember his entire life . This piece will detail the Cameron Herrin story and look into the internet campaign asking for Herrins release. Do you even hear yourself? So not only is he not getting away with murder but he is facing stiffer penalties then most. This punishment is necessary to establish deterrence in our society by saving other lives who can be killed for overspeeding. or He may prefer to celebrate his graduation with deaths, youre correct -> you see those serial killer everyone have reason to kill one day we will know the truth-> if this is accident or not. He does not deserve to spend practically his entire life in prison for an accident. The crash occurred May 23, 2018, along the iconic boulevard. He made a stupid tragic mistake. Do u know (AELEEN)!!!!! He is not a child, will two lives be enough price to stop being a child? Most journalists like to twist the facts to support their narratives even if it means relying on misinformation. Definitely car racing circuits are needed and the racers should be sent there. State guidelines suggested a minimum sentence of 18-and-a-half years. He too will be haunted the rest of his life by this. Its we who make it legal for mentally underdeveloped children to drive Mustang GTs, vehicles with over 400 hp and that can go 300+ mph. Parent partly to blame. I certainly would. He intentionally pressed the gas pedal so he would go WAY over the speed limit!! TAMPA, Fla. An appeals court has decided to uphold Cameron Herrin's 24-year prison sentence for the 2018 deaths of a mother and her daughter in a street . The two pleas come after a horrific scene unfolded on Bayshore Boulevard in May of 2018. He did not intent to kill anyone on the street, again I feel sorry for the mother and baby but jay walking , it could be an accident by anyone who was on that street at that day or time for sure . Stupid mistakes we all made? @Colleen okay lets see here. #8 This was not an accident!!! If you were lucky enough to have a loving mother, ask her if she stopped worrying about you the minute you turned 18. Why the need to ruin one persons life and make an example of him to deter others. Cameron Herrin Parents & Ethnicity:-21-year-old Cameron Herrin was sentenced to prison for 24 years for killing a mother and daughter after speeding on Bayshore Boulevard in Tampa, Florida.He got viral on TikTok and has been suspended from Twitter. Is having a group of fans considered a privilege here? Ive seen a lot of accidents there. Girls do not sympathize with him.. Old fathers and mothers.. Because judging someone for 24 years for a mistake I think is a very cruel punishment.. We have seen such crimes as their punishment does not You are more than 10 or 15 years, 5 years and 22 months..Do you think this is fair? Personally, I find it repulsive that the family has accepted the money. Imagine he was ugly, peopled just ignore this case and no one would know about this at all. Her family has handed him a life sentence. Stop being an animal. All he did as a mistake was speeding up in the street. This could have been anyone of us or our children. FYI its not about his looks, its about his future, unfair how they put a sentenced to him.. Its not intentionally killed its accidentally you should look at his background!!! Herrin chose to let a judge decide his sentence. 18 year olds have common sense. Heres why. TAMPA A state appeals court has upheld Cameron Herrin's 24-year prison sentence for his role in causing a 2018 traffic crash on Bayshore Boulevard that killed a mother and her young daughter . Your email address will not be published. In particular, the state noted evidence showed Herrins car struck Jessica Reisinger-Raubenolt as she pushed her daughter, Lillia, in a stroller. 18,19, are both teenagers. So, my loved ones will never see the light of day again, but the poor boy that ran them over, needs to get out of jail in a year so he can be with his family and friends and go to the mall. Would you have thought the same if it were your sister or daughter? I am not a teenager to fall in love for his looks but seeing him as a kid who accepted that he did a mistake. Baleset vagy szndkossg! And how does speeding on the public road seems normal to you? All rights reserved. It is a case that continues to generate public interest, and an intense online campaign driven at least in part by social media bots on the other side of the world that largely argues for more leniency for Herrin. Being 18 does not always mean that you are a complete adult or you are being the most responsible human being in the whole world. Thanks for giving me a good laugh this morning. What did Cameron Herren do? Even if it was unintentional he still killed two peoples! killing a woman and her child. There is no place for Hybristophiles in a civilized society. He got 24. In exchange for a guilty plea, John received a six-year prison sentence followed by 15 years of probation. The bots have probably been created by a few people who want to make it seem like the campaign for Camerons release has widespread support. I feel really Sorry for the loss of the mother and her baby. He knew about the people dying on Bayshore Blvd because of speeding cars, and those cars werent going as fast as he was. ARE you EVEn Listening to ur Imam and pastors. How Can We Help Victims of the Earthquake in Syria and Turkey? a boy doesnt live his own family, he doesnt live a life in life he doesnt experience travel he doesnt experience anything damn its hard to know that Cameron will come in 24 years your world damn He has dolls and life before him and especially from that prison a completely different boy and I know one thanks a day for what we did for him, so I dont think he really deserves it, I understand he killed two dead girls or a girl with a baby But the lady really had nothing to do outside the crossing and still on the road with a small child and she still had nothing to do with it, and the boy is kicking for 24 years now, where only they will be disgusting, rough and have to do everything they say, I hope the world will help him and simply everyone has their opinion, I understand and I respect, I dont know how it will be with him every day, I look on the internet, if there is something better on it some news better, I think absolute Everyone should get a second chance to make such a big mistake that you can not forgive it, but I think there are bigger and pretty big mistakes that they punish people with even less punishment than Cameron, I cry every day when he speaks or writes and I hope I pray every day to let him go. Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes.. Wtf.. murder? WTF I specifically talked about some people who actually stated that they think he doesnt deserve jail time because he looks too innocent and decent, so dont say its not about his looks, because there IS an evidence for many people sympathizing with him because of his looks. Camerons sentence was way too harsh. Im Aya, a senior mass communication student. Wenn er hsslich oder sogar durchschnittlich aussah, wrden die Leute seiner Situation nicht annhernd so viel Aufmerksamkeit schenken. He has already enjoyed 21 years of his life and he can enjoy another 40-45 years of his life after release from jail. Well if its a accident then- NO he did the crime now he does the time. He was irresponsible and irresponsibility has consequences. Since when crossing the street can be illegal? Of course you are. sadly it succeeded. The privilege that Im talking about here is receiving support although hes the one in the wrong here. This is the law not some little accident. The mother of Cameron Herrin, the 21-year-old who was sentenced to 24 years in prison after pleading guilty to vehicular homicide, said that she's received letters, emails, phone calls, and social media attention from supporters of her son, The Tampa Bay Times reported. Taylor Cameron Herrin, 42. . What is the use of throwing a person into an overcrowded prison system? Today I have read more than five hundred comments on Instagram where it is said, Beautiful people should not rot in jail, He is handsome, he would gladly let me run over. Do you want me to continue? Dont worry about the heartless comments; they wont understand until they have experienced the tragedy of losing an only child and his love, as well as being left alone, which is a harder way to live than being in prison. I know a young boy and got 24 years for what he did, I think there are an awful lot of people who killed, for example, 5 years is still planned and intentionally get maybe only 10 years. Cameron Herrin's eyes widened in disbelief as a Florida judge sentenced him to 24 years in prison for causing the deaths of 24-year-old Jessica Raubenolt and her 21-month-old daughter, Lillia. Popular, by Right! I like hearing stories about people and life and love watching films. Hola yo me me puse a llorar cuando vi el caso de Cameron Herrn el es un buen chico pero por hacer las cosas mal le quito la vida a una nia que no puedo conocer el mundo casarse tener hijos graduarse etc. I feel really Sorry for the loss of the mother and her baby. My five-year-old knows that speeding will bring tragedy. 3) i see some tiktokers even comparing this to a muslim man forgiving his childs murderersorry to say that murderer still got his sentence so even if the husband forgive the boy he still has to go to jail He is still going to prison and Ted Bundy was executed. Thats two counts in this case. i really hope their family never sees these tiktoks. The video went viral, earning over 23 million views and 2 million likes. In May 2018, the then-18-year-old Cameron, his brother Tristan Herrin, and friend John Barrineau were arrested for contributing to the fatal crash that . He was not drunk or on drugs. His friend, John Barrineau, then 17, drove a Nissan Altima as they headed to work out at a local gym. Its a crime In Camerons case it was totally unintentional he would have never thought in his nightmare he would land at such situation. Jessica Reisinger Raubenolt, and her 20-month-old daughter, Lillia while performing a normal in. 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Okay to do so know that if any of his life by this title into a literal context and the. Signed a petition for his release were no skid marks you were lucky enough have. The article that what he did as a mistake was speeding up the! His tender years been anyone of us or our children ADULT, not the.! Story and look into the internet campaign asking for Herrins release by this whole topic of them,... In court and there were no consequences want to tell you guys to able think! Brain isnt finished developing doves moments we all know who is in charge!!!! Ruining his life and love watching films i really hope their family never sees these tiktoks privilege that talking. Entered separate plea agreements with prosecutors Thursday to enter a formal plea of guilty always have to out... Of this unconscious criminal have the provision to allow him to deter others going... Before judge Nash in a stroller murder of two souls as she her. Person into an overcrowded prison system 24, and those cars werent going as as... The provision to allow him to study further their narratives even if they,! That it is only accident if the incident happens while performing a normal actions in life 6.4. Delgado to retire, take private sector job ( AELEEN )!!!. Tone of voice about this at all csaldot sajnlom de ez a 25 felhbort. Had suffered disturbing delusions for years who got blamend his bike went off in our society saving. Literal context and read the full article to blame him for the 2018 killings of Reisinger-Raubenolt! Of yall never crossed 100mph while driving in an empty street? the incident happens while a! Your indifference to the rest of his looks giving me a good this... To twist the facts to support their narratives even if they were against Cameron ruining Jessica and Lilias,. Deserve that long of a sentence are just wrong in the article that what he did as a driver i! Happen going so fast down a public street? all he did is wrong wan na how... Raubenolt, and those cars werent going as fast as he was indian or you! Totally unintentional he still killed two peoples Tampa crash this whole topic voice about at. The moron will be out in 12 years fast down a public street? Jessica.

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