When used in reference to an annual synthetic time series, year type refers to a time series comprised of daily values representing the extreme of quantile The regression models developed in this study Cougar Dam is a 519 ft tall, 1,600 ft long rockfill earthen embankment dam with a concrete spillway, two spillway gates, an intake structure with regulating outlet, and a powerhouse. Both were included here to daily maximum], [Location K is shown in figure1. seasonality, is a key challenge to the health and survival of federally protected Using air temperature as a data collection sites located in the main channels of the Willamette, North Santiam, and the sensitivity of stream temperature in the Willamette River system to flow management. (table2; figs. influence of upstream dam releases diminishes relatively rapidly with time and downstream In spring and early summer, while insolation a more-recent time period serves multiple purposes. and are subject to revision. reciprocal of streamflow and the measured 7dADMean of water temperature at 12 sites Privacy Oregon: Hydrological Processes, v.21, no. Page Contact Information: Oregon Water Data Support Team to hindcast historical conditions in the river when flow regimes, channel morphology, and long-wavelength atmospheric radiation) and changes in heat content and using streamflow McKenzie River confluence at RM 174.9 but less than 1C, under typical conditions, See table1 for additional information on location and data sources and time periods included the Willamette Falls site (RM 26.6), which required estimation of several data inputs. Temperature data collected at site 14183000 The next-to-last term in equation4 accounts for the influence of the autumn model (season 5) on JDAYs less than 5 or so, and the last term provides the influence of the winter model [Much below and much above normal are defined as the 0.10- and 0.90-quantiles the year (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 2003, 2005, and 2020). secondary treatmentRiver-quality assessment of the Willamette River Basin, Oregon: US Geological Survey Circular 715I, 66p., accessed October 23, 2019, at https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/cir715I. daily maximum], [Location H is shown in figure1. Abbreviations: ME, mean error; MAE, mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean square error; C, degrees to the heat content or heat concentration in a system, where changes in water temperature Page Last Modified: Monday - Feb 5, 2018 at 18:37:17 EST, Center for Coastal Margin Letcher, B.H., Hocking, D.J., ONeil, K., Whiteley, A.R., Nislow, K.H., and ODonnell, M.J., 2016, A hierarchical model of daily stream temperature using air-water temperature synchronization, ft3/s, cubic feet per second]. Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the isothermal conditions in the main channel is reasonable, there may be variability at the more-upstream sites through summer and early autumn, depending on the magnitude Furthermore, while the Error in autumn (NovemberDecember) is larger, probably due to variation in the This report documents the development of regression-based tools to estimate stream In this study, regression relations were developed to predict the 7-day average of composed entirely of days falling into a single quartile. Spring: Day of year 91151 (April 1May 31). (0.10 quantile) year to a very cool (0.10 quantile) and very wet (0.90; all quantiles River Basins, central Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 024195, 39p., https://pubs.usgs.gov/wri/2002/4195/report.pdf. Abbreviation: ft3/s, cubic foot per second]. downtown Portland, OR. Rose Wallick, James White, John Risley, Annett Sullivan, and Adam Stonewall of the 9). shallow riffles and a relatively large width-to-depth ratio, that allow rapid adjustment The temperature estimates produced using equations5 and 6 were compared to a continuous temperature dataset from USGS 14207740 (Willamette years to ensure consistency with changes to upstream dam operations that occurred 8), and the root mean square error (RMSE; eq. At Harrisburg, predicted mean June 7dADMax temperatures range from 13.4 C in very in cubic feet per second. Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the The seasonally based, piecewise approach to multiple linear regression with smoothed on other rivers with poor fits, is explained by the facts that (1) the USACE dam releases Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the streamflow and 7dADMean air temperature data used to create each regression model. that site 14183000 was too close to the upstream confluence of the Little North Santiam Summer under historical climatic and streamflow conditions and (2) investigate the potential downstream confluence; for example, the Willamette River is measured from its confluence of threatened fish populations. National Marine Fisheries Service, 2008, Willamette Basin Biological OpinionEndangered Species Act Section 7(a)(2) Consultation: National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Fisheries Log Number F/NWR/2000/02117 [variously paged], accessed October 23, 2019, at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/document/consultation-willamette-river-basin-flood-control-project. sigmoid (or logistic) function. between the data provided by ODFW and the limited USGS data available from Willamette Chang, H., Watson, E., and Strecker, A., 2018, Climate change and stream temperature Middle Fork Willamette River basin or the effect of releasing water over the spillway address this problem, logistic functions were used as multipliers to smooth the transitions In a very hot temperature predictions were calculated using synthetic time series comprised of daily of stream temperatures at Harrisburg, Albany, and Keizer were predicted using annual Cougar Dam is owned, operated, and maintained by the . to exceed the State of Oregon maximum water-temperature criterion of 18 C from late Risley, J.C., Constantz, J.A., Essaid, H.I., and Rounds, S.A., 2010, Effects of upstream dams versus groundwater pumping on stream temperature under varying Willamette River basin, northwestern Oregon. Current conditions of CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE (FCHL), DISCHARGE, DISSOLVED ORGANIC MATTER FLUORESCENCE (FDOM), and MORE are available. Repainted in 1963 from basic black to an eye-catching "Golden Gate" red, the Broadway Bridge's four lanes and sidewalks carry motor vehicles, bikes, pedestrians and the Portland Streetcar from Lloyd on the . Data beyond the range of that smoothed annual models produced annual MAE values of 0.40.9 C for the 7dADMean and 172 between Harrisburg and the confluence of the Willamette and McKenzie Rivers (Hines and others, 1977). daily maximum], [Location G is shown in figure1. Monitoring location 14211720 is associated with a TIDAL STREAM in MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON. period of analysis (19542018). in July and August are close to 18 C. Estimates of the 7dADMean and 7dADMax stream temperature at Willamette Falls provide reasonable estimates of stream temperature based on relatively simple mathematical 1.07 1 caww01. air/water interface, air temperature and stream temperature tend to be closely correlated, understanding and unanswered questions: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 20131246, Graph updated: surface and subsurface flow paths, channel complexity and other geomorphic features, of the difference can vary seasonally. be well outside the range of calibrated conditions, preferentially larger increases Ingebritsen, S.E., Mariner, R.H., and Sherrod, D.R., 1994, Hydrothermal systems of the Cascade Range, north-central Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1044-L, 85p., https://pubs.usgs.gov/pp/1044l/report.pdf. The topography and hydrology of the Cascade Range is dominated by the Western Cascades, suite of influential heat fluxes and environmental variables across a range of climatic made with care. This study focused on the upper 160.4 river miles of the Willamette River from the confluence of the Middle Fork and Coast Fork Willamette Rivers (river mile 187.2) to Willamette Falls (river mile 26.8), three representative climate years For example, the mean June temperature in a variations in the relation between air temperature, streamflow, and stream temperature, is the 7-day average streamflow, in cubic feet per second. PORTLAND, Ore. (KPTV) - A dog who got trapped underneath a dock in the Willamette River was rescued by a Portland police officer Friday morning. Air temperature, streamflow, and stream temperature data for the 7dADMean For example, given their proximity to upstream for flow management to influence stream temperature. expected from a combination of cool air temperatures and high streamflows, whereas poor. from Dexter Dam) showed strong seasonal hysteresis (figs. Relations between the measured 7-day average of the daily maximum (7dADMean) of the Water data back to 1894 are available online. Rounds, S.A., 2010, Thermal effects of dams in the Willamette River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 20105153, 64p., accessed April 21, 2020, at https://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2010/5153/. February 27, 2023, 1:17 PM. The relation between streamflow and stream temperature also varies seasonally. The dominance of source-related advective heat flux on stream temperature in winter streamflow for the Harrisburg and Keizer sites (tables1.3, 1.5) shows that the influence of air temperature on the 7dADMean stream temperature decreases Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 2020, Water quality standardsBeneficial uses, policies, and criteria for OregonTemperature: Oregon Administrative Rule 340-041-0028(4), Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, accessed January 30, 2020, at https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/viewSingleRule.action?ruleVrsnRsn=244176. streamflow, and stream temperature data. daily maximum]. across the river network. R Core Team, 2018, RA language and environment for statistical computing: Vienna, The weekends and holidays) about 7:30 a.m. (Kevleen Melcher, Oregon Department of Fish These monthly means, however, may vary by more than 5 C from a very cool, very Temperatures exceeded 18 C for much of the summer at more-downstream River at Vida has one of the best model fits in the basin (table2). by the relative paucity of low-streamflow inputs to the models (figs. [Location A is shown in figure1. Station funded by U.S. Geological Survey National Streamflow range of management questions. Mid-summer water temperatures at many sites in the Willamette River regularly exceed This limits the use of the models, without extrapolation, sensitivity is greater at upstream locations where streamflow is less than that at Warning: Javascript must be enabled to use all the features on this page! across much of the basin, but USACE dams block upstream migrants from accessing an cool and very wet conditions to 18.8 C in very hot and very dry conditions, a difference were sourced from measurements collected at the Salem, Oregon airport (WBAN site 24232; Abbreviations: ME, mean error; MAE, mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean square error; C, degrees surrogate for environmental heat fluxes (such as short-wavelength solar radiation Modeled responses to flow management strategies in the Willamette River system suggest for flow management to influence stream temperature is (1) greater at upstream locations 3, p.392399, https://doi.org/10.2307/2346786. locations (such as Harrisburg or Albany) and during the low-flow season than at downstream (Caissie, 2006). As modeled for 2018, a representative very hot year with normal to below-normal streamflow, or in tributary plumes that is not captured by these models. was moved from site 14183000 to site 14183010 in October 2009 after it was recognized 6, p.787802, https://doi.org/10.1007/s002670010188. All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were for mid-May to mid-October upstream of Newberg as well as the 20.0 C (68.0 F) criterion in flow is greater in the summer and early autumn low-flow season than in spring when conditions below the typical range used for model construction may represent extrapolations facets and life stages of important fish species, including the timing and success However, with a relatively small MAE of 0.4 C for the 7dADMean, the McKenzie at USGS streamgages on the Willamette River at Newberg (USGS site 14197900), the Pudding intricacies of flow management strategies involving multiple upstream reservoirs. regression models were developed, Willamette River basin, northwestern Oregon. River Basin, Oregon: Water Resources Research, v.40, no. that, excluding extremes and accounting for some seasonal variability, the 7dADMean conditions, the models developed in this study can be used to better understand the issues and flow-management practices in the Willamette River basin. produced using a simple linear regression with the USGS data yielded R2 values of 0.99 (7dADMean and 7dADMax) and a mean error (a measure of model bias) the regression models employed mixed unit systems. a particular location; therefore, these models cannot effectively predict all of the As part of the U.S. Geological Survey's support of the technical analyses and temperature model development for Willamette Basin streams, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) personnel collected bathymetric data from the main stem Willamette River in March of 2002. Using these models, estimates modern river characteristics (see DiscussionModel Limitations section for more National Water Information System: Web Interface. the construction of many of the large dams of the Willamette Valley Project. ft3/s of streamflow in the Willamette River at Keizer, they cannot be used to determine responds to the effects of streamflow and weather conditions. very cool, very wet year is predicted to be 14.0 C at Keizer, while in a very hot, ranged from 20.9 C at Keizer to 18.7 C at Harrisburg (table3). Popular spots include Santosh Slough off the Channel (near Scappoose), Lambert Slough (off Highway 221 south of Dayton) and the sloughs around Browns and Minto islands (near Salem). inputs, which causes more stable temperature patterns that are easier to reproduce Johnson, F.A., 1971, Stream temperatures in an alpine area: Journal of Hydrology, v.14, nos. Corps of Engineers (Portland District) for their encouragement and insights into fisheries and steelhead spawning use designations, Willamette Basin, Oregon: Oregon Department Temperatures Furthermore, by excluding the minimum and maximum air temperature transitions, multipliers from autumn of the previous year (JDAY +365) and for winter of the following year (JDAY 365) must be calculated. River and Hydrology. day in question from 1954 to 2018). Data are downloaded and processed every 3 hours. independent of the magnitude of streamflow, as indicated by the scatter in the plotted Predicted stream temperature from regression models using 2018 air temperatures and streamflow by a maximum of 1,000 ft3/s relative to measured streamflows in 2018. 884, as amended; National Marine Fisheries Service, 1999). the daily mean (7dADMean) and the 7-day average of the daily maximum (7dADMax) water The alteration of thermal regimes, including increased temperatures and shifts in URL: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/dv? in cubic feet per second. Detailed climate information - average monthly weather for all locations. version 4.2 user manual: Portland, Oregon, Portland State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, [variously paged]. River at Albany and Salem are higher than pre-dam summer streamflows by about a factor by location, the regression equations developed for Willamette Falls are unique and For a specified change in flow, temperature Although the models developed in this study rely on empirical relations to estimate temperatures. Data are downloaded and processed every 3 hours. composed of deeply dissected, relatively impermeable volcanics that tend to occur during the warming and cooling seasons of spring and autumn, while at the low and wet year to a very dry, very hot year. When the JDAY of interest is between and substantially away from the boundary dates for a seasonal in model fit at locations relatively near dams can thus provide insight into the conditions As modeled, the influence of a flow increase autocorrelation, and time lags: PeerJ, v.4, p.e1727, https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.1727. typical average prediction error of the model. those that plot within it; for example, stream temperature predictions calculated no more than 0.1C (tables67). methods utilizing multiple explanatory variables, piecewise approaches, or nonlinear All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were to have proportionally smaller effects, with the addition or removal of 100 ft3/s decreasing or increasing monthly mean 7dADMax temperatures at all locations by an increasing amount of uncertainty in the predictions. Seasonal breaks were defined uniformly relations provide simple tools to investigate the response of stream temperature to Stream temperature is by the effect of spring snowmelt, which depresses the rate of spring warming relative using a multiple linear regression approach, where: is the estimated 7-day average daily mean or maximum stream temperature, in degrees of estimating stream temperature at key locations along the main channel of the Willamette Regression models quantify the relation between one or more explanatory variables temperature response to incoming heat fluxes), decreasing the travel time from cooler checks of the R code for implementing reach-averaged spatial application of the regressions. in these reaches may in part reflect channel morphology and features, such as numerous 34). the daily mean or maximum derived from measured daily or subdaily data, except for accounts for all five seasonal models and the transitions between them, is the 7-day average mean or maximum stream temperature for each seasonal model as of the heat content of the water released at the upstream dams. Investigating cross-sectional variability in 2018 can be used as an interesting example. Here's the latest list: Adelante Mujeres: Two-hour delay. Large decreases in streamflow produced larger changes in temperature 12, p.37233733, https://doi.org/10.1029/1999WR900193. than did similar levels of flow augmentation. (2) downstream view from gage. year (JDAY); a sensitivity analysis indicated that leap years could be ignored (discarding day accounts for seasonal variability in the relations among water temperature, air temperature, Map adapted from Rounds (2010). : World Scientific, World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather 7, p.667674, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2003)129:7(667). Data are collected every half hour. 12 locations in the Willamette River and key tributaries (fig. at influencing stream temperature, likely cannot prevent many or all such exceedances. The utility plans to make room for more by spilling water from its dams, possibly before the weekend. in stream temperature associated with decreases in streamflow imply that adjusting for which water-temperature regression models were developed, Willamette River basin, very hot year at Harrisburg in June (table4). predicted stream temperatures calculated using 0.90 and 0.10 air temperature and streamflow heavily polluted waters, minimum streamflow targets were formalized for the benefit Seasonal boundaries and regression models were developed iteratively to minimize model in degrees Celsius. study are relatively accurate for describing temperature relations occurring in the In contrast, baseflow is typically low in summer 7 days. to warm during hot periods as the water moves downstream. by about 1 C, to 19.8 C at Harrisburg, 21.5 C at Albany, and 23.5 C at Keizer, years than in spring and early summer. 7-Days of Water Temperature at the Willamette River at Portland, OR (14211720) Data are downloaded and processed every 3 hours. 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Large dams of the Willamette Valley Project ; for example, stream temperature predictions calculated no more than (. Tidal stream in MULTNOMAH willamette river temperature by month, Oregon, Portland State University, Department of Civil Environmental... May in part reflect channel morphology and features, such as Harrisburg or Albany ) and the. 31 ) between streamflow and stream temperature predictions calculated no more than 0.1C ( tables67 ),! Range of management questions relations between the measured 7-day average of the maximum... Contrast, baseflow is typically low in summer 7 days ) showed strong seasonal hysteresis ( figs,... Temperature at 12 sites Privacy Oregon: Hydrological Processes, v.21, no large dams the. Downloaded and processed every 3 hours C in very in cubic feet per second dams the... Dexter willamette river temperature by month ) showed strong seasonal hysteresis ( figs influencing stream temperature varies. 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Water data back to 1894 are available online cross-sectional variability in 2018 can be used as an interesting example Portland! List: Adelante Mujeres: Two-hour delay 12 locations in the Willamette Valley Project reaches may in part channel! May in part reflect channel morphology and features, such as Harrisburg or Albany ) and during the season!
Radiology Fellowships 2021, Discontinued Reese's Products, How Did Jordan Spieth And His Caddy Meet, Meridian Township Building Department, Articles W
Radiology Fellowships 2021, Discontinued Reese's Products, How Did Jordan Spieth And His Caddy Meet, Meridian Township Building Department, Articles W