You can see it just after he falls into the lake. As Henry gets to know Danielle, he confides that he doesn't really want to be king. If we don't get this done, that means we can't get our house listed which means we probably won't move until . Holding her mother's shoes, she chases Marguerite into the kitchen where Marguerite threatens to burn Danielle's book, Utopia, unless she gives the shoes up. Danielle does not like le Pieu and his inappropriate advances on her. For hundreds of years they defended their position through murder and corruption. We're all waiting to hear her answer too, Henry. But Henry is fortunate enough to be born into privilege where he has the power to enact change, something the prince in his melancholy hadn't considered. When she is pretending to be a courtier, she wears it in more varied, refined styles that usually feature a hairnet or some other piece of jewelry. Later, she dresses up as a courtier with the help of her now-artist friend Gustave and tries to use the Prince's money to free her servant and friend, Maurice, whom Rodmilla has sold into slavery to pay off her debts. This time, his interest in the young lady grows. Her mother was a Countess. Younger viewers wouldn't catch the reference, but we'd bet that she's referring to England's Henry VIII divorcing Catherine of Aragon so that he could marry one of her ladies-in-waiting, Anne Boleyn. Early in the film, Marguerite taunts Danielle by calling her "Cinderella" because of her chore-dirtied clothes and her habit of falling asleep by the fire. Corrected entry: When the prince saves the painting, it turns out to be the Mona Lisa. (No second splash is heard, either). Julius Caesar even refers to them in his memoirs, calling them the bravest of the three Gallic tribes. It's huge, meaning they have such a great variety of products and books of many genres. Alexis T. Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, CA. Danielle meets Prince Henry when he steals her late father's horse. Corrected entry: In the scene when Prince Henri puts the slipper on Danielle and proposes, he mispronounces her last name: Danielle de Barbolat instead of de Barbarac. Danielle does not seem to possess much after her stepmother took over the manor, but she still has her mother's wedding gown and shoes, which constitute her wedding dowry, and her father's book, Utopia by Thomas More. I first interviewed Zo Field of Field of Roses here on the Floret blog way back in 2016 when I wanted to learn more about the farmer-florist movement in New Zealand. She is a young noblewoman who has been forced to become a maid in her own home under the cruetly of her stepfamily after her father's death. The next morning, Danielle oversleeps. So that would have to mean Danielle is of some position. Danielle offers the coins for the release of a family servant whom her stepmother (Anjelica Huston) sold to pay off a debt. Her father was a Baron, how her stepmother became a Baroness. She doesn't recognize the prince wrapped in his cloak at first; he hastily drops some gold coins on the ground for the horse. He may also have intended to pursue some legal recourse once his personal safety was assured. In the scene when Prince Henri puts the slipper on. In general, she is the dominating force in their friendship. Rated T just in case. As the film progresses, the two girls become closer, especially after Marguerite chooses to burn Danielle's book. I was interviewed by Kelly Shanklin and Danielle Her father loved her very much and kept her close since he did not have a wife and Danielle did not have a mother so wouldnt have necessarily been trained in the ways of the court. Danielle drops a cup upon hearing this, causing Rodmilla to look at her suspiciously. Treated as a servant by her cruel stepmother Baroness Rodmilla de Ghent, strong-willed Danielle de Barbarac wins the heart of Crown Prince Henry II. The staff is also so nice, pleasant, cheerful, and helpful. The Prince then intervenes and frees Maurice for her. 'If they do anything with him, it won't be until after he. At the market, Danielle sells produce from the farm together with Paulette and Louise. The interpretation of the character of Cinderella in this film is considered a feminist one. This article is not up-to-date and would benefit from updated information. Pierre le Pieu appears and tried to court Danielle, but she bluntly refuses him, seemingly not for the first time. His last gift to her before he dies is Sir Thomas More's Utopia, which Danielle often reads by the fire late into the night, earning snide remarks from her stepsisters for being covered in soot and ashes. "Well, I barely knew him. It stands in contrast to many conventional film adaptations of the fairy-tale and subverts/reverts the "damsel-in-distress" trope. The colour scheme of her clothing is blue, white, and green as a rule, although as a courtier or princess she sometimes wears red. "Right now he's here legally," she says. Addresses are not passed on to any third party, and are used solely for direct communication from this site. Danielle tells Gustave everything, including about her accidental deception of the Prince, proving just how close they are and how much she trusts him. So, there's nothing wrong with that, this is not a mistake. Moreau notably starred in director Franois Truffaut's 1962 film Jules et Jim but also worked with a number of Hollywood heavyweights, including Orson Welles, Louis Malle, Luis Buuel, and Elia Kazan. And if they wanted the movie to look more French, they would have called the prince Henri, and not Henry, and used the proper French pronounciation. I have done everything you've asked me to do and still you deny me the only thing I ever wanted! The French cannot pronounce the English 'H' sound. an attempt at "my lady"). Her hair color is black and has hazel green eyes. Danielle Stone, Kelly Shanklin' s assistant, asked me if I wanted to interview for the HR tech position that was available. Afterwards, Leonardo da Vinci gives Danielle a portrait of herself as a wedding gift, and she and the Prince lived happily ever after. Danielle, on foot, gets to the manor quicker than the Prince, who is on a horse, by taking a shortcut through the forest, and she breathlessly greets him at the door in a noblewoman's outfit. Corrected entry: In the attic Jacqueline helps Danielle with the wounds on her back. At the manor, Danielle is tending to her stepmother's fireplace while Rodmilla talks to her. Once back at the palace, Henry works out a compromise that gives him some say in his future: He'll choose a bride by the upcoming masquerade ball, or he'll marry Gabriella. Although Danielle seems to have been born into a respectable position in society as a landowner and a lady, she is used by her stepmother, the Baroness Rodmilla de Ghent, as a house slave. Corrected entry: After Prince Henry helps Da Vinci retrieve his painting (assumed to be the Mona Lisa), Da Vinci unfurls what can not possibly be the Mona Lisa. Answer: Danielle's father was not a baron, he was just a wealthy landowner. However, Rodmilla, refusing to lose, tears Danielle's costume and exposes her as a fraud. How is this not a serious plot error that completely derails the whole movie? Corrected entry: In the scene at the ball, the stepmother rips Danielle's right wing off the dress. Setting: In the 1800s, the Queen of France calls in the Brothers Grimm to "set the record straight" (give truthful facts) about a girl in one of their stories. Correction: Danielle's father, while wealthy, was not of the noble class. Danielle's relationship with Jacqueline is good, although distant at first. She is happy when compared to Nicole, and when Marguerite insults Danielle's mother, she goes berserk. The Brothers Grimm arrive at the home of a wealthy Grande Dame who speaks of the many legends surrounding the fable of the cinder girl before telling the "true" story of her ancestor. The king and queen agree, although their banter is one of a long-married pair who have had their share of bumps over the years. Jones had been working for about five years on British films and TV series before landing the part of a duplicitous royal page in Ever After, his American film debut. The daughter of even a dead baron is not a peasant. Danielle bursts into tears, covering her face with her hands. This song and this film are icing and cake. Rodmilla then shows a rare moment of maternal affection to Danielle when she tells her that she sees Auguste in Danielle. There are only three servants left from the household that there used to be: Paulette, Louise, and the retainer, Maurice. This time do not look for fairy godmothers or magic pumpkins and mice, and Cinderella may not be the demure damsel portrayed by Disney. After Rodmilla and her daughters leave for the masque, during the next scene at the royal palace a large sculpture can be seen in the courtyard, especially in some closeups from different angles, such as when Gustave approaches Leonardo. Second, many great masters did more than one version so it is not impossible that this is an unknown copy. Wide Screen version only (the bottom is cut off in the Full Screen version): When we see the stepmother for the first time getting out of the coach, she steps into the bottom of her dress. According to her stepmother Rodmilla de Ghent, she has something of her father in her eyes. Auguste de Barbarac is Danielle's father. Corrected entry: When Danielle is abducted and she is making her escape, she picks up a sword and claims to be a good swordsman, as her father taught her to use a sword. Thanks. Baroness Rodmilla de Ghent is the main antagonist in the 1998 film Ever After: A Cinderella Story. Once the palace announces plans for the masquerade ball, Rodmilla and her daughters fly into a tizzy, eager to find something stunning to wear. Henri's accent may obscure the words slightly but what he says is correct. Cinderella, AKA Danielle (Drew Barrymore) is a spunky, independent young woman who reads Sir Thomas More's "Utopia" and dreams . Once at le Pieu's castle, Danielle tries first to run away, but le Pieu puts chains on her legs. Danielle : If you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners corrupted from infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded, sire, but that you first make thieves and then punish them? Please Review! (His frequent slogan: "And may the odds be ever in your favor!") Updated: Feb 19, 2023 / 09:09 PM CST. After being interrogated by Rodmilla, Danielle is left to her chores. Also, if the de Barbaracs were nobility, Danielle would be known to other nobles as a courtier and as her father's only living descendant and heir. Danielle's connection to blue. Eli and Paige were the cutest pair from the beginning. From then on, Danielle no longer depends on Rodmilla, either physically or emotionally, and at the end of the film, she confidently tells her that she will never think of her again. Correction: Given the length of the dresses worn at that time, it would not be uncommon for any woman to step on her dress or to have a problem getting out of her carriage, it is perfectly realistic. I do however agree that Daniele was from the union of 2 wealthy families but have found no proof that she was of noble blood. He . Milwaukee police are searching for 11-year-old Danielle Noble who went missing on June 1, 2022. These historic touches help cast a spell around the fictional romance between Danielle and Prince Henry (Dougray Scott, Fear the Walking Dead). Even so, a class act like Huston doesn't completely embrace camp. While Danielle is aloft, a group of Romani bandits tries to rob Henry. The kinder Jacqueline presumably keeps her noblewoman status, having started a romance with one of Henry's guards. I'm tired," she replies. Correction: There was more than one painting made, and not all were on wood. Some people stop and stare at him as he runs, but no one bows to him. However, she is less adept at standing up to her step-family, although in the course of the film, she improves. Ever After: A Cinderella Story is a 1998 film adaptation of the classic "Cinderella" story.Set in Renaissance France, the film eschews the magical elements of the original story and treats the plot as straight Historical Fiction.. As Barrymore put it,"And I thought, 'Rescue yourself? She married down because Auguste had money and she was broke. Both Henry and the audience wait with baited breath to see what she will say in response to his proposal. Note: Spoilers ahead. Corrected entry: In a dinner scene early on in the film, Drew is serving and somehow knocks over a cup - it makes a plastic sound as it clatters down. Corrected entry: Several times, Danielle is referred to as a 'Commoner' (non-nobility). Which added to the mystery of the Mona Lisa. Drew Barrymore captivated audiences as Elliott's little sister in 1982'sE.T. With help from her fairy godmother Leonardo da Vinci, Danielle overcomes hardship, marries prince charming, and lives happily ever after. And unable to order Danielle about? Back at the manor, priceless objects have started to disappear. Danielle de Barbarac (b. Something else to notice near the end, when Leonardo gifts the young couple the belated wedding present the room they're all in is not in the royal palace, they are in the manor, gathered in the dining room where Marguerite had burned Danielle's book Utopia. or something like that, to which Leonardo replies "A lady is always a matter of life and death" and proceeds to UNROLL a painting, which we see is the Mona Lisa. After Danielle escorts Maurice back home, Rodmilla immediately scolds her for not having told them that the prince was coming to return the stolen horse, stating her intentions for Marguerite to seduce the Prince. Rodmilla hates Danielle because of the "father's death: I love you" scene. She is portrayed by Drew Barrymore (adult) and Anna Maguire (child) and is the titular Cinderella of the film. I haven't watched the captions to see how it's written, but it could also be "ma dame" (i.e. Danielle and Gustave have been best friends from at least the age of eight. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The setup of Ever After is that the "little cinder girl" whom French author Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm centered in their fairy tales was a real person, with a slipper made not of glass, but elaborate beading (by designer Salvatore Ferragamo, no less). Danielle is characterized at the beginning of the film as "a young girl who loved her father very much" by the Grande Dame. She amends this immediately by telling Danielle that she is "built for hard labor" and that she did not love Auguste. After their date visiting the monastery library, Henry's carriage wheel breaks, so Danielle suggests they walk. "Choose wisely, Henry," the queen advises. Imagined as a "frothy twist on the ancient fable" for tweens and teens, Ever After also has a few surprises in its sparkly slippers to intrigue and enchant adults. The story begins when The Brothers Grimm are invited to the home of a French noblewoman (Jeanne Moreau) who tells them how much she enjoyed their story of Cinderella . twisted. She was one of the crew members of Apollo 22 which was assigned to stay at the Jamestown Moon base. The versatile Lynskey has tackled dramas, comedies, and horror with roles like Julie, the younger sister to George Clooney's corporate downsizer in Up in the Air,the "boundary challenged" Rose on Two and a Half Men,the sweet-voiced but cranky bluebird Beatrice in the Cartoon Network miniseries Over the Garden Wall,and the telepathic realtorMolly Strandin Hulu's Castle Rock. Given the length of the dresses worn at that time, it would not be uncommon for any woman to step on her dress or to have a problem getting out of her carriage, it is perfectly realistic. Bobby and Danielle finally got into their first argument about moving during the Tuesday, November 13, episode of 'Married At First Sight: Happily Ever After' - read Us Weekly's recap! This sculpture can be seen during the very first scene, albeit with a few changes. As an adult and a servant, she always wears it braided at the front. Later, when Danielle poses as a Lady, the Prince takes an interest in her. Some children are taught the style of swordsmanship at the early age of 5, may not be using pointed but wooden swords to educate the proper stance. But when Danielle keeps the conversation going, asking if Rodmilla loved her father, Rodmillacan't meet her eyes. Danielle is left in the care of Rodmilla, who already resents her new stepdaughter and Auguste's preference for her. Only one country in Europe, Poland, stopped this for a time prior to 1,000 AD. [pause, the other courtiers look on approvingly] She denies that she likes the Prince, but Gustave suspects that she is lying. Whenever Rodmilla flirts his way and coyly promises more, his enamored page slips the sly stepmother tips about Henry's whereabouts. I think credibly threatening to kill him made the point to him that she would probably kill him long before she accepted that role. No matter how bad things get, they can always get worse. Yes. Her husband replies, "And we, princess, are supposed to live happily ever after.". Henry: Your aim would suggest otherwise. To prevent Danielle from attending the masque, Rodmilla locks her into the pantry. He appears to regularly bring back books for her from his travels and reads them aloud to her every night. The film's da Vinci paints a portrait of Danielle (modeled after the real da Vinci painting La Scapigliata) and also gives her wings of encouragement for her costume at the masquerade ball. Visible crew/equipment: Near the end, when Rodmilla and her daughters are requested to appear before King Francis, in the first shot facing the king and queen, there is a beige narrow mat in front of the large patterned rug, which is not in previous or following shots, specifically used for crew/camera tracking. Maurice: [to Danielle] I thought I was looking at your mother. The resourceful Danielle climbs a tree to get her bearings. Ever After: A Cinderella Story Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. She then lets him take the horse and is given twenty francs for her silence regarding the theft. Sold 12/30/2022 | WORKED WITH SELLER. Correction: When Danielle walks into the throne room (not "onstage"), her eye make-up is consistent if by "later in that same scene" you're referring to the following shots, as she stands beside her stepmother. We also see that in 1502, Danielle has a friend called Gustave who appears to be around her age. Princess Gabriella isn't keen on marrying Henry, either, as a later scene humorously makes clear. Correction: It isn't the Mona Lisa, at least not the famous version. oh well.better luck at math next time. Masque, Rodmilla locks her into the pantry serious plot error that completely derails the whole movie that! '' ( i.e in her eyes resourceful Danielle climbs a tree to her... Dead baron is not a baron, he was just a wealthy landowner ) sold to pay off a.... To 1,000 AD the bravest of the film, she improves tending to her ``. Slogan: `` and may the odds be ever in your favor! '' tells that... 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