Fate lines focus on a persons future, prosperity, and career. There are certain signs on this line that can determine if the person is going to be rich or poor. The star on a fate line generally means success and happiness, also riches. For the fate line to start at the wrist and finish at the index finger towards the hand means that you are over diligent, a hard-working, responsible person who in life gives there all in terms of a career. If it turn towards or reached near index finger so the nativebecomes the assistant of the king( here ministry) of country, state or any kind of higher authoritydue to his intelligence and advisory power. Why? Many palmists have often associated the fate line with ones career or work aspects of life. Maybe the owner has worked in the family businesses or chosen an identical career as a parent or perhaps a family member. Lines that start at the head or heart line indicate success in later years, after the corresponding age. This way, you will be able to enjoy your good fortune. This is a positive omen as means that you can find yourself in life. Sun Line in Palmistry. A faint fate line in the palm is the sign of a powerful fate force in your life. Not as easily define as the three dominant palm lines (heart line, head line, and life line), your fate line will give indications of the challenges you may experience as you pursue your life's purpose. You can lose some important opportunities in life even it knocks your door. Writer, Astrologer, Numerologist, Palmist, Vastu Expert, & The Teacher of Occult Subjects Shankar Bhattacharjee, a respected & well known name in the Vedic Astrology field. You will be jumping from one job to another. You will have to suffer a lot in terms of money earning and positions. However, if they have a faint fate line, they may become famous. Finally, if the Fate line is absent; it denotes the unstable nature of the person. 1. In fact, your fate line can be very strong, and you should take advantage of this! Your dream job is not at all possible to achieve. If the fate line ends at the mount of Jupiter, it implies that you are a wise and learned man. The fate line absence indicates the meaning that you will many ups and downs in your career. We sometimes see a deep fate line or a very faint line. Heart line In the case of the heart line of the palm, the age is reckoned as 55 by you or the palmist. A continuation of a path may be a sign of a temporary hitch in your career. Money Line Palmistry. He's got a very keen interest in business instead of doing a standard work. The persons career is narrated based on this line by the palmist. This individual is mostly controlled by emotional always. He was born in a traditional Brahmin family in India West Bengal near Kolkata, The City Of Joy, one of Indias major cities. This shows that initially the person started work based on outside advice, but then they found more fulfilling work as they became more self-motivated. When the fate line arises from the mount of Luna, he or she is not going to get success without other peoples aid. This type of fate line also says that at crucial times of decision making the natives thoughts may become vacillating. It is not unusual to see a fate line begin in the vicinity of the life line but then be joined by a new branch rising up from the opposite side of the palm. The Sunline begins from the mount of the moon and runs till the base of the ring finger. The problem is that at times they will tend to feel unbalanced and discontented. You can normally find the fate line just below the second finger. The stage where it crosses the heart line it coincides with age 35. You are likely to beat people at interview. Usually, people who show that the fate line begins on the lifeline curve owe their destiny of work to a family member. The fate line can reveal what will be the important trends in our life.Palmistry says that there are seven varieties of fate lines which have separate influences on an individual. There is a focus on a very successful career and prosperity. Your fate line is a good indication that you enjoy socializing with people. Celebrating over 15 years online. But remember, the line should be un-interrupted, if it is interrupted so the native has to face tough challenges in life to get success, more interruption that much challenges and hard-work. If this mark is present then it can indicate that something will likely happen suddenly. Hence, the person is not able to achieve many heights at any age. The partner might be a childhood connection, a friend, a neighbor a school friend or just someone from the community who has the same type of background. You may also have a fish tail on your fate line if you have a pious nature. Youll be unable to control many things in life, and its important to learn how to roll with the punches. A short fate-line, on the other hand, shows a lack of self-confidence, which is common amongst people with a short-lined fate-line. Whether they are busy or unemployed, they will always find something to do. The lines on our palms are known as palmar flexion creases, and they're there to help your hands, flex, hold, articulate, scrunch and do other such things without excessively stretching or squeezing the skin on the hands. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! If you want to become a religious leader, you should work hard at it. If one sees many branches which are descending from the fate line itself this indicates that there could be a number of different problems career-wise. The fate line begins from the life line implies restriction in the early years. If this person is secluded from society, following a lone path in terms of a career, it can turn out well; however, if this person must make a living in the modern society, he or she is vulnerable to choosing the right direction. It is the line that goes straight down your palm, usually resting at the base of your middle finger. On occasion, the lack of fate line means that this will not make a difference to the quality of life. So, there is no need to worry for those who dont have visible fate line. The bubble or even tropical isle denotes a period of disappointment and indecision in the persons profession. Fate line is also called the destiny line or the line of luck. They are normally found wondering in life. You are inclined to be infatuated with a married man or woman. He may be indecisive as his fate lines may not let him make a strong decision and stand by it. Sample Page; ; The Fate Line can begin from the middle of the palm or even from the Luna area (at the bottom of the palm below the little finger) and if this is the case it means the subconscious mind is strong. A solitary path may be better suited for someone who has a fate line that starts in the middle of their hand. Lines that often appear on the hand are the Fate line, Sun line, Mercury line, etc. A strong deep, clear, stable money line provides stability in every aspect of one's life. Therefore it would appear that when the line is shortened, the individual would be less successful, but that is not the case. If the fate line appears on the right hand then this shows the subject has the ability to achieve goals in life, and their effort in life is normally strong. Island fate line-This line indicates that the person will be affected a lot because of wrong decisions. Forked Line: Conflict or Dual Destiny. 2. Some people do not have a fate line at all. You usually let your emotions interfere with career or rule business decisions. At the Center of the Palm. The Life Line the Longer the Better. No wonder, Fate lines are absent in thepalmsof most alcoholics and drug addicts. 26 Feb Feb Deep Line: Inheritance. The individuals would have to work for others definitely because he might have got help from the others. He might swing between failure and success. Marriage line forked at the beginning in a Y shape - when a Marriage line is forked at the beginning in a Y shape that is not a good sign for the person's love life. Sun (Apollo) Line - Fame, Luck and Wealth, Marriage Compatibility and Love Life in Palmistry, Matching Heart Line in Palms & Nature of Spouse, Line of Intuition - position and direction, Hora Auspiscious or Inauspicious time in a Day, Prophetic Dreams of King Bimbisara in 19th century BCE, Trojan War is Brihaspati-Tara-Chandra story, Origin of Lunar Dynasty, World before start of Satya (Krita) Yuga, Solar Dynasty and Beyond. The most acclaimed illustrated palm reading guide. There might be crosses, squares, breaks, chains, folks, or the hand or it may not have a fate line at all! If the fate line is a negative branch, it is a bad sign. The fate line is a long vertical line that runs from the base of any one of your fingers and ends right above your wrist. It prevents the owner from achieving their aims through ill-health, insufficient money, or people who interfere without just cause. A clear, consistent, and straight line indicates self-employment and is a good sign for independent workers or owning their own business. Click Here For Timestamps~ A SPIRITUAL message for YOU! (Fig 33), If your fate line is chained at the beginning of the fate line, it indicates an unhappy life environment that prevent you from concentrating on study during the youth time. Otherwise, your life will feel like a drag. 6. This line could it be in our primal or tribal character to obtain what our heart desires? Invisible fate line Palmistry says that every people has a fate whether the fate line is visible or not. Dont worry this is focused on the fact that you are always on the go in life. A mysterious person of the opposite gender can help him or her unexpectedly, that will boost his / her career. The fate line can also give us some indication of how our money will be achieved in life. You should not ignore the significance of the absence of the fate line. When there isnt a fate line that is visible on your palm, a person will most probably always struggle to identify the best career path that will make them happy. You usually could gain wealth by using your artistic talents. Zig zag fate line in a hand suggest that a native may experience many ups and downs in his or her life. People with fate lines finishing at the head line must operate in conditions where they've got independence to make choices for their own. The fate line stopped at the head line shows the cease of work by your own decision. You likely will not find enough interest in doing one thing or will change jobs so frequently that you will not have enough time present within a career to establish the basis of this line. Broken fate line in a natives hand indicates a danger. A square on the line indicates you are always beset with emotional depression and pains. Natives who have a broken fate line should be very careful. You are more likely to struggle with giving up on goals and achieving success in your career. Main points discussed in this article regarding money line No money line on palm I don't have a money . You should consult a fortune teller to learn how to read your horoscope and determine what your destiny has in store. Later I will talk about interruption of this line in details. All content on this website is copyrighted. A strong Sun line is a sign of success. For example, a light-colored fate line is indicative of a lack of ambition. This type of line on the palm of a woman indicates she will be a wife of a rich person. In case you have the perfect fate line, the particular person will have a focused life and will find that many elements of his or her life are without complication. The exact meaning of the palmistry fate line is the astrology prediction of a persons career and growth. Generally, it indicates the amount of money that can be generatedthroughout life. However, some do, and their destiny is outlined in their palms. The lifeline depicts the life forces and flames that exist inside us. The reason why it's considered to be good is as follows. Everything that you said about me and my personality, my husbands personality was absolutely true. In short it can be said that he may be riding on two boats at a time. The ruling planet of this line is Saturn and maximum time this line goes to or towards Saturn mount. From the fate line one can find out about the career. Thereafter you shall stop working due to emotional issues and will struggle to find a job. However, their life would have a major change after fifty-five years. The fate line has been referred to as the line of ones career. A breakage in a fate line means the native may face an accident at a certain point of time. The money line, is also known as the fate line, destiny line, Saturn line, riches line, wealth line, or fortune line. These kinds of lines indicate that you will face ups and downs at work-front. (Fig 35), What's the meaning of the line joining life line and the mind line making triangle with the fate line. Y shaped Fate line in Palmistry - YouTube This video clearly explains you the benefits or drawbacks of y shaped fire lines in palmistry. Some palmists feel that the absence of the fate line signifies a winding, unfocused lifestyle. The ruling planet of this line is Saturn and maximum time this line goes to or towards Saturn mount. The accident may cause physical damage or may even put the native's life in danger. Ups and downs You do not have much luck like others and hence you need to work hard to achieve the goals. The palmistry fate line reading is done by an experienced palmist. A short fate-line indicates that you are well-balanced, and may feel like a dreamer. Natives who have a broken fate line should be very careful. The bigger the island is, the more serious the troubles are. Having a single dot on your fate line may point to a life of adventure and discovery. A deep, direct, straight and long fate line that begins from the base of the palm and extends till the Mount of Saturn indicates a strong career or business. Thanks. If the line is clear, and strong without any crosses, or negative signs on it, then they may be destined for a fortune! The native may not get the fruits of her efforts easily. If your fate line is deep, straight and long from the base of palm then it means that you will profit from land or property from your paternal side and reap other benefits.You will have a successful career. (Fig 10) To quickly check what your palm lines tell you, you can also get your palm reading result with a few taps here. This line also encompasses our own professional skills and how we are perceived by others in regard to the work context. The organization may rule the executive. If you do not have a fate line in your palm, then it does not mean that your fate is weak. If the line breaks into numerous little branches at the final point, the owner will need to broaden his or her outlook, a great deal of change is predicted as well as a satisfactorily end result in regard to a career endeavor. In Palmistry materialistic part of life is seen from the fate line, how a native will get all materialistic facilities to enjoy the life that is the main concern part of the fate line. If it moves with the fate line and goes down another path then your lover will probably move away. The fate line itself. If it extends from the wrist to headline it shows the . If your fate line does not intersect with the head, you should take action. If your fate line starts on the base of your thumb, inside your life line's curve, it indicates a point where family or close friends are supportive of you. You need not worry a lot about your life or future if the palmistry fate line is absent on your palm. The line across the top of your palm is your heart line; underneath, rests the head line; then comes the fate line, which can start anywhere from the base of the palm; rounding out the. 4. If the Fate line abruptly ends at the head line, it denotes a person who somehow traveled away from his ambitions between the ages of 30 to 40 years. So, you usually have a lot of troubles with such a line. It is usually in an arc. To have a bold, clear fate line means that, you are established in your own character, you know what you like doing and hold valuable goals in regards to your career. This also means that you have been given an excellent education, and youre sure to be successful in business, love, attention, and in the community. The intersection of your fate lines will happen at a specific age. A shallow fate line indicates a hard work and career full of twists and turns. These individuals exercise authoritative power on others. Some people with a faint fateline might be cynical and hate sports. Some palm readers also call it the 'Luck Line' because it's greatly related with luck and success. You may have two fortune lines that are interpreted differently by astrologers. An island can also indicate a period of unemployment. If you also have a clear sun line then you will also attain name and fame. Equally, it is important to understand that the other lines in the hands also need to be interpreted in relation to the fate line. Breaks seen in the fate line or any other markings including breaks is quite significant. Your Fate Line can tell you about your potential for career success or a general outlook on work. If the faint fate line is a sign of superstition, it indicates that you are superstitious. A voluntary redundancy usually doesnt shock a person who has a break in their hand, this creates a line that splits, that person will see the break in employment as an opportunity to discover who they are. A faint fate line does not necessarily mean that you are unlucky. It can be concluded that you will marry from within the family, or through an arranged marriage if you notice that your fate line originates from the life line, near the mount of venue. A break within an otherwise continuous fate line indicates a rest within ones job. A broken fate line can often show problems and changes in a work context. The fate line runs upwards, in between the life line and headline. Forks and the positionalong the fate line mean that changes will happen. Actually these type of people are very much independent type, they do not like to obey anybodys command rather to give. (Fig 10), If your fate line starting from the base of the palm and ends at the Mount of Saturn (located below the middle finger), it indicates a successful career created from almost nothing. The man who has the chained fate line would not live happily for a long time and his life would have many twists with issues. Lines that join the fate line are often love relationships in your life. This type of fate line also says that at crucial times of decision making the natives thoughts may become vacillating. If they have a long Fate Line on their right hand, it may be a blessing in terms of success in your career, but it can also lead to health problems. If yours is a deep brown color, your fate line is likely connected to money. You would not be able to work in a particular company and even your work the company will not give you a permeant posting. 3. He may successfully carry out a task and may sometimes face immense problems doing a simple task! If your fate line is clear, deep and straight without too much crosses, you are regarded to be bestowed with a good fortune in career. The native may start his/her career with service or job but when the right age of that line will come he/she will involve him/herself in business. If you do not have the fate line on the palm, it does not mean that you do not have future. Do not worry about not having a fate line. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A Fate line that begins at the very base ofthe palmdepicts a person who has planned out his future at a very young age. As far as females are concerned, the broken line indicates that her life would be leading a housekeeper job. This line is your life path, and will be important throughout your life. Fate of those, with no fate line in their hands, is assessed on the basis of other visible lines. The individuals have to sacrifices a lot for others who have helped him during the critical times of life. It is possible to have two fate lines, but not everyone does. An island at the end of the fate line shows you couldn't realize your lofty aspirations during your life, thus be passive and disappointed during the old age. If there are islands on your fate line, it indicates blocks in career. A little concession of you would make others happy. In palmistry, the fate-line is the most important astrological line in the palm. After the age, you are hard to have breakthrough in career. But if the line of Sun is deep in your palm, then you will achieve success in life. Then, you will be able to find the happiness that you need. If your fate line is strong and long this means that you are a strong character, inflexible about how to achieve things in life, they know who they are and what they need to get from life. This is called destiny. A shallow line represents working too hard or being underappreciated. They may proceed with trying to find fulfillment, 'drive', or fascination with their job. Natives who have a broken fate line should be very careful. If the fate line starts from the mount of Venus, it indicates that you will be free from worries as money will not be a problem. If the fate line is short then the owner is likely to move around in life, looking for a purpose. You will get success after a lot of struggle and obstacles. Both types of lines affect your career, and it is important to know what each one means to you. Very keen interest in business instead of doing a standard work the would... Square on the other hand, shows a lack of self-confidence, is. Would be leading a housekeeper job that changes will happen are busy unemployed... You may also have a major change after fifty-five years some palmists feel that the fate is... The fact that you will be able to achieve many heights at any age his lines... 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